Sunday, September 20, 2020

A friend from end to end

In your life, you may find
Companions, good and kind;
You may not believe
They're all evanescent
For they all leave;
They come for some time,
After a while, they go.

But you must know
That Paramatma,
God, or Allah,
Whom you might have felt,
Yet, never ever seen
Is the only permanent friend
Who, through thick and thin
Will always stay with you
From end to end,
Forever, anew.


  1. Had read once "a friend in need is a friend indeed" it was school days, at college it was "just good friends " at the office "no hard feelings" at some juncture " companionship" but when we mature " friendship is selfship"

    1. True. This maturity is a skill that needs to be taught from childhood. The 'selfship' that you are talking about is the key to making the whole world your friend; you could do that only when you are friends with you. You includes your body, mind, and spirit.
      Thank you for stopping by.

  2. May this unseen friend remain with us and guide us always .

  3. I am living each day because of the love and care of this unseen friend.

  4. The lines are so true... For that permanency rely only on the parmatma. As for others, you can count on that aspect of the divine in them without expectations. Beautifully penned!
