Friday, August 28, 2020

Men and women of word


The ship was battling the wind.
All of a sudden, men and women
inside, were aware of what was 
happening, but if it was true or false,
they were still in doubt, they sat 
around and argued for long hours;
all this while the floating people 
were unable to sense any movement,
they were, therefore, not convinced about 
the debacle, they thought the ship was 
indestructible; so, they were asking 
questions that weren’t quite about 
the benefit of the vehicle.

Yet, the queries were genuine and honest, 
though, they might not have been so relevant.
They were asking about the purpose 
of the journey, thought-provoking queries
on how the ship was made, about the creator,
the operator, the destructor, the benefactor; 
they came up with many ideas, theories,
and beliefs, each one guarded their own 
as though thoughts were like their golden garden, 
they had to protect them with arms and weapons
they fought, they swore, they invented wars,
all this while, the ship was their only star
twinkling in the space, like a speck of dust;
they also argued if god was an invention 
or if it was a discovery, if the journey of religions 
ended in, or began from the ocean of spirituality,
if the ocean, a destination, a liberation of 
many rivers also needed to go somewhere,
and be liberated, if there was another ship 
in some other space also sailing like them? 

During all this entertainment, the ship had 
weakened, the rats are slowly deserting 
the place, many holes, some detected, 
were then letting salty waters in the deck.

But wise men and women were still
debating on who to assign as the worthiest
captain of the swinging haven,
and wondered why god wasn’t coming 
to save them from the calamity; they
wanted to know if god merited a capital G,
even at that point in time, they were 
seen battling with themselves, 
ignoring the turmoil the ship was 
going through, they were still 
asking questions with alacrity,
well-meaning and intelligent,
for which there wasn’t one
single, simple answer, hence
they were drowned in duality.

The ship failed to sail anymore.
Wise men and women thought 
they arrived at a conclusion; 
some opined that god was just 
another word, while some others
said, God wasn’t just another word.


  1. I loved they way the poet created the story of confusion we have about the creator's presence, whenever we suffer from self created miseries. Situations leave hope and faith to tussle, and we are left to opt for just one. The concluding paragraph is awesome.

    1. Thank you Nandita for your words of appreciation. Coming from a seasoned poet like you, it means a lot.

  2. Such a profound thought in such simple words! Beautiful.
