Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Fighting for a cause
I promised to God
Let the world heal this time,
I will not fight with anyone.

I know, it is difficult;
To overcome this addiction
I have to fight with myself
Look beyond hollow
power, position, and pelf.

But looking at my Italy,
My France, my Spain,
My England, my China,
My Germany, I know
I have been fighting in vain
I have been fighting in vain.

Let my world heal from the deadly virus
I will be friendly with everyone
I promise this to you
My Allah, my Krishna, my Jesus.


  1. Beautiful. Reminds me of the heartwrenching despair in the last prayer for rain in the film Guide -- more power to your pen/keyboard!

    1. Thank you. Yes indeed! Keyboard is the new pen, 😊
