Sunday, March 8, 2020

Work of art

My mom's embroidery,
More than 50 years old;
Birds perched so brightly bold
Every thread in their place
With every bit of hue
The work is just as new. 


  1. Brilliant work of art and concept. So bold indeed.... a lost art in this machine age. Those are our heritage. It fills my heart with respect to the creator and the preserver. Thank you so much for posting. My regards to your Mother

    1. Thank you for your touching response. Much appreciated.

  2. It is so lovely... I echo the sewntiments expressed by Arup Ranjan Battacharyya.

    1. Thank you Rajeev. Glad you liked it. In LinkedIn the number of views is now close to 1k. I am humbled by the comments of appreciation that came along. My mom was great in many such works of art, I guess most moms of my generation were, but your mom is always the best you know!
