Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Goodbye to wars

Just a while ago, we took our long awaited leap
Awake, aware we’re now living our dream
Wars are destroyed from the minds
No aftermaths, no outcries
Arms and weapons are resting in peace
In the museums and lexicons, o what a bliss
Unarmed people do not die on unaware streets like rats any more
Arms wide open; they stretch for the needy and the poor
Growth abounds, lives flourish
Hungry children are nurtured and nourished
Gone are the reasons for those worried wars
For those who shine in the sky like our scars
Changed has the challenged world.
Peace and love are now not just words
Radiating friendship beyond borders and boundaries
Free are they from the confines of dictionaries
Love and peace are shared for sure and for good
We have wealth and abundance of food.
On the stage, beyond masks, with life and nature
Differences are now playing a connected overture
On the same tolerant land, under the same forgiving sky
We bid adieu to wars, we say a final goodbye

The poem is in the reversible style; it can also be enjoyed by reading from the last line to the first. Once by following and respecting the law of gravity (laws of the land!) and once by moving your way upward, as though you are taking a leap. Enjoy!

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