Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
I have come to my place!
Calm, quiet, serene…
Full of bliss, all the
Fruits and flowers,
Animals and birds,
I call my playmates;
Water’s so clean,
In the ponds where I
Huts that I thatch,
Foods that I cook and
Cows that I milk and
I play when I work,
From dawn to dusk,
I am ready, always…
Prepared to take off!
Readers might have a different feeling if they decide to read from
the last line to the first.
Fruits and flowers hanging on every branch,
Playing on swings,
Talking, chatting, laughing; Ha!
Soft breeze, a little older, is
giving the push
From outside, to all the parts…
Giggling ripples in instalments,
With their teeth open wide,
Immobility enchanted…
Outside with the inside,
All engrossed in the game,
Colorful flyers,of different
shapes and sizes
Singing with them, to them
With and without sounds
In different tunes and pitches;
Some flowers and fruits have
fallen from the branches,
Are caressing the earth;
All colours have merged
voluntarily into
An affectionate black shadow…
A traveller resting, ruminating;
In this place of luminous
benevolence of Energy,
Life finds its space!
Saturday, April 26, 2014
was to happen,
showers nectar and poison at the same time;
has no choice:
bloom and disperse
stories are sung in the background, or on the stage
the ground despite predicaments!
shell doesn't have grievance when the egg pops out,
into an eager mouth;
moving tree doesn't regret,
its perfume sneaks into a stranger’s veins;
oozing out of the barks dead or alive,
and forth, in moments flowing in and out:
shape and measurements!Friday, April 25, 2014
shades of weather - some triplets
Wind on the meadow
Husband gifts a green saree
From the silk outlet
Please give me your hands
Gently as the waves ashore
For the rest I need
Image in the clouds
A child feeds a little child
Rains washed the headache
Leaders with white hats
A broken booth abandoned
Tensed voting weather
The first summer rain
The Sun and the Moon change looks
Busy ants unearth
some triplets
Mom waiting with a
Towel stretched… the wet child comes
Rushing into it
Evening time… father
Drinks tea, Mom cooking good food,
Children do homework
Wind on paddy field…
Green grasses dancing freely,
Farmers smiling wide
Frogs are croaking…
Sparrows bathing in the dust,
Rains not far away
Darkness has fallen,
Pitch dark, crickets call fire-flies,
Forest plays darkroom
Towel stretched… the wet child comes
Rushing into it
Evening time… father
Drinks tea, Mom cooking good food,
Children do homework
Wind on paddy field…
Green grasses dancing freely,
Farmers smiling wide
Frogs are croaking…
Sparrows bathing in the dust,
Rains not far away
Darkness has fallen,
Pitch dark, crickets call fire-flies,
Forest plays darkroom
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
with different names
with different names
Doors all around;
With different names…
From all corners, closed;
Efforts are on, for opening them
one by one
Hurling abuses and curses!
Walls big and huge;
Safe, secure, with different
Of strange food and language;
Talks are on, for breaking them
one by one
With all the dressing weaknesses!
Blind doors and walls with
different names;
Frozen cold on the ground…
Unwilling to warm up;
To break open
Despite the deafening sound!
Walls and doors;
For so long crafted by souls…
With different names;
Cracked in silence
Seen sleeping tired on the
Finally a feather touch, they
The shell, with different names!
poem is dedicated to my elder brother, Sri Sourav Sen, an English teacher at
Birla High, Kolkata on his birthday (22-April).
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Charlie Chaplin – 125 years later
Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin, KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December
1977) was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in
the silent era. Chaplin became a worldwide icon through his screen persona
"the Tramp" and is considered one of the most important figures in
the history of the film industry. His career spanned more than 75 years, from
childhood in the Victorian era until a year before his death at age 88, and
encompassed both adulation and controversy.”
I was
initiated to him by my father with whom I went to see ‘The Kid’ when I was 12.
Like most of you, I can talk about all his films in detail. But I am not going
to talk about that.
I am
going to talk very briefly about his mixture of slapstick, pathos and social
commentary in most of his films…something that touches a wider range of
audiences transcending nearly all barriers that threaten democracy, even today!
This is something I fondly refer to as ‘Charlie Chaplinisation’!
I have
seen my domestic helps, with whom my childhood is inseparable enjoy his films
inasmuch the same way as my father and his intellectual friends would. This is
a quality which very few artists could match; a craft where he did not ignore
any sub-text and or co-text in the master text that he was creating. Artists in
every field are free I presume, and it would appear as an imposition for most
to be conscious of whether their texts, be it films, songs, stories or poems,
would appeal to all sections of society. You could argue that it is not
possible to appeal to people who are not able to read and write through poems
and stories. We could innovate and build in audiovisuals along with the written
texts to reach out to them. The question is if we are ready to shred off our
standoffishness in order to keep our intellectual alignments intact for a
larger cause. Imagine a world where more and more people would take interest in
reading and writing… how the world would be!
In my
opinion, I think it is a craft worth emulating, especially in an era where we
talk about inclusiveness. And promising thus I pay my respect to Charlie
Chaplin after 125 years!
of the first stanza: Wikipedia]
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
Being identical
Being identical
am an eagle,
inside to land on myself,
know it makes little sense,
shred off my wings and claws,
stretch as much… to fall
the abyss to be me!
this while I have been floating,
down on my preys;
my hunger has frozen,
feathers detached,
will come back in a while!
this moment let me
my land be,
see me fly,
am still floating…
as an eagle alone.
A different picture
A different picture
I am relentless…
To re-arrange the picture of the cluttered sky;
The biggest mirror,
Over you and me!
The still-born thoughts old and fresh…
I need to question the dust with the sun I have;
Sleeping inside my head,
What was the need!
From where does one start re-telling the stories…
Hiding under the deep sea;
Like the souls unwilling to be born to die or disappear,
From the helpless cradles!
When I look at you…
The swimming fish inside;
Appear as trembling constellations,
I will keep on re-arranging the stones on the land!
I know I am crawling with my soft flesh…
Like those babies unborn, or dead with their breaths;
And when the stones are awake and moved,
I will look up to a different picture!Sunday, April 13, 2014
Close your eyes
What do you see?
Go back to the origin of your creation.
Do you find boundaries?
Your first story is written.
Take a close look after thousands of years.
Your first story is written.
Do you find boundaries?
Go back to the origin of your creation.
What do you see?
Close your eyes
What do you see?
Go back to the origin of your creation.
Do you find boundaries?
Your first story is written.
Take a close look after thousands of years.
Your first story is written.
Do you find boundaries?
Go back to the origin of your creation.
What do you see?
Close your eyes
Saturday, April 12, 2014
A blank brown page

Scene: Apprentice in a doctor's chamber.
Action: Discussion about a strange patient
Apprentice : A strange patient has come in Sir!
Doctor : Tell me…
Apprentice : He thinks his eyes are made of wood and his throat, of
Doctor : Ha!
Apprentice : And that if you left him in the open his throat would melt,
his eyes would burn
Doctor : Interesting!
Apprentice : And one more thing…
Doctor : What? You and your one more thing…tell me!
Apprentice : The moment you meet him, he will shake hands with you,
warmly congratulate you. He does this
because he thinks wars have ended and borders have been erased. All countries
have unanimously decided to put all arms and weapons into a museum, also he will
narrate to you as though he is seeing visitors in those museums eagerly seeing
the please-do-not-touch labeled arms!
Doctor : So what is your observation?
Apprentice : It is a case of fear psychosis sir..that’s why throat is
made of butter
Doctor : Okay! But why his eyes have to be wooden!
Apprentice : No clue…that’s why we need your expert
Doctor : The burning part is understandable…he might be having
some issues with heat, or the Sun
Apprentice : Could it also be some heated discussion
or some cruel acts
Doctor : Ha! Can’t be ruled out!
Apprentice : In the room where he’s kept temporarily,
he has written a whole lot of rubbish
Doctor : Like what? Is he violent?
Apprentice : No! But he shouts saying….
butter gutter hitting list
wooden notes of ruling king
killingkilling only killing
little bird little bird
do as I command you
so many such beautiful things
killingkilling only killing
dancing dancing everyone sings
then he says… Goblgoblgoblgobl…dingdongrings…
goes on dancing, laughing aloud, spits a little as if to cleanse his mouth and then
with folded hands as if to seek pardon, starts kissing everything in the room,
like the table, the chair, the floor…while doing so keeps on murmuring…no nono,
you cannot do that, I know you didn’t do this…this becomes dangerous after a
while because the other day he was trying to kiss the table fan…
Doctor : Is he violent?
Apprentice : No!
Doctor : Let’s
They look and start reading
Narrator : [on the wall, they see] reads
NASA is now concerned only with
this earth, they are developing a robust
Peace technology, ISRO is busy
developing Peacetenics, and all universities
developing programmes like Peace++, Lovetonics, Trustmetrics… … in all
countries there are institutions of love, each better than the other where
there are researches going on to see how love can be applied in all subjects without
appearing silly …like love in history, love in mathematics, love in technology,
love in law, in sports, in literature, etc. love in medicine, love in politics…people
have suddenly realized that it is an en-ending field… and intelligent people
from all walks of life have started taking real interest in it…there’s also
another subject called understanding, which has become more important than
solution providing, like understanding people, process, product, etc…
Patient : [pointing at the doctor] Congratulations… you have
cracked it Sir!!! We made it!!!
[Doctor gives a dead fish
handshake and goes off the screen holding onto Apprentice’s hand]
[they come back to their chamber]
Doctor : If his eyes are of wood, how can he write?
Apprentice : He says he doesn’t write Sir…sorry
sir…forgot to tell you that…
Doctor : Then?
Apprentice : He says he’s not writing anything, but
wall readers are seeing those because of what is running in their minds!
Doctor : Holy crap! Get me his details.
Apprentice : Spouse. Child. Pet.
Doctor : Has anyone come to look for him?
Apprentice : No.
Doctor : Anyone died in war?
Apprentice : No.
Doctor : Qualification? Age?
Apprentice : 40+ Was a research scholar, but
discontinued. Judged misfit. Thrown out of previous office. As a child was
thrown out of school, fled from home.
Doctor : Is he like this all the time?
Apprentice : No sir, he’s very normal…but his eyes are always away. He
keeps talking about his childhood days…it seems he has got stuck somewhere.
Through hypnosis, we found out that he was dragged out of his school by a durwan
named Ramu, who took him out of the school and brought him home…he was 13 years
old. Later teachers of that school told his father that he has done something
to be ashamed of…that other children will get wrongly influenced in his
company…he broke the partition of his school, and he had asked a girl of his
class whether she was virgin. This was his crime. Back in his time, these types
of frankness people did not have. I think there was nothing wrong with the
school; they have to take care of other children too!
Doctor : [looks at him…thinks…hangs his head down, as if in
shame, and very softly looks up] Any tragic / sudden death in family?
Apprentice : No.
Doctor : Attempted suicide?
Apprentice : Do not know
Doctor : [excited…shouts] then know!
Apprentice : Okay Sir…sure…
Doctor : How can this person, who has the potential to be a
criminal, talk about love and peace and all that…
Apprentice : Potential criminal! I don’t think so
Doctor : Who is asking you to think? did you find
anything in his wallet?
Apprentice : Lots of debit cards, family photo, some money, and…
Doctor : And?
Apprentice : A brown blank page
Screen falls half exposing only
the lower portion of the actors on stage. They stand still. Only the narrator
moves, and reads,
“Notes by the doctor: Patient
found alone. No family care. Un-resolved childhood issues. Deeply shocked by
war, however, it is a case of fear psychosis and schizophrenia. Ruling out
social concern,
[completely dark…screen rises, lights
only on the patient]
Patient, in chains, shifted from
the temporary chamber.
Lights on
Doctor: Peace technology! Peace++!
Curtain falls.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
some threeliners
Train at night whistles
Ready food calls from kitchen
Children on terrace
Newly wed bride looks
Moon behind the cloud peeps
Groom sees pleasant smiles
Recession panics
Lovers meet in open air
For some priceless timeCompulsive begging
Compulsive begging
Calling bell rings.
Calling bell rings.
Yes, come in please.
She has come from the Sundarbans
To a painter’s house;
I the painter will run my brush of her
For a high-end client;
Her struggling teeth opened up to give
Me something she’d want me to know as smile,
I smiled back, water? She drank the cold glass
With rhythmic sound that spoke of her class.
Go to the room and freshen up if you please.
She goes and comes back to take the comfortable seat
Sponsored for her for a while…
I had three canvasses arranged…one of her undressing
Second undressed…and the third of her organs alone.
My brush goes into the veins of the saree, the soutien
She loosened like the skin of a chicken,
As though she has done it many a times
To fill up the mouths of beggars in her family;
The first canvas done…over to the next…
The foundation is done…
I had in mind that the client wanted
An authentic picture… so the black hair with
Impoverished red lines, the ribs connecting her breasts
The eyes of daily dolor, nipples bitten by vagabonds
Had to figure;
Going to the third…the place of creation and destruction
The place of nurture and torture
Had to show;
I found myself borné…opened me up completely!
I am not Duhshasana for heaven’s sake!
In a moment, on seeing my hairy thorns up and about
She eyed me up and down… all of me!
Yes, good…I said to the object activated
My brush is rushing through the land
I saw fruits, flowers, birds in the garden
That hanged between me and her
Until it was time for her to leave
For an amount of alms up her sleeve;
For the final dressing, she’s not required anymore
Canvasses ready to undrape callers from door to door.
Sundarbans: The forest which is famous for sundari (beautiful) trees and the Royal Bengal Tigers. It is also the place from where budding/professional artists hire their subjects.
Duhshasana: One of the Kaurava brothers in the epic The Mahabharata. The name also means bad (duh) ruling (shasana). He is also remembered as the one who tried to undress Draupadi (wife of the Pandavas) in public.
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