Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ode to Martin Luther King Jr. - I have a dream

Ode to Martin Luther King Jr. - I have a dream

Fifty years ago on this very special day,
You shared your dream; you had your say;
The two colorful worlds stood and listened to you,
Your speech of love and peace had blended them anew;
The bond was always there you tapped them on the spot,
With ‘humanhood’ that flew from the heart of your thought;
We are done with it, that meaningless dissent,
Black and white came close to every word you meant.

Down the time pipeline the issues though have changed,
People tired fight they are not engaged,
I’m hopeful men women, if the color magic worked,
Fifty years hence we’d have a peaceful world.

For this to be true, we need the August man,
To unite the world into a happy caravan.

Written on the 50th anniversary of MLK's famous speech: I have a dream

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