Friday, August 30, 2013



I would try not to take part in pressure,
Lest I’d miss ‘le non-dit’ of a pleasure,
My peers are a kind urging to react;
With words that are said for a response so warm,
The play wouldn’t wind nor will the act,
Being in the game in the world full of charm!
Peers are all good wouldn’t mind them succeed,
I will find it through my own little deed,
I know I cannot rule for I cannot talk;
Let me serve the speech and let me just work,
We may not be the same sing the same melody,
For some may be crowned in silent symphony!

Taking off

Taking off

Throughout my line I was fooled and ridiculed,
It wouldn't even dawn it was because of me,
When I saw the sordid dude,
In the mirror clearly.

In declining real time,
I haven’t even thought to look at me with pride,
Words insipid, full of curse and crime,
Wherever I went I couldn't ever hide.

Am happy that it’s now coming to a pause;
Left a shadow bit to fly without a cause. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Here's to night

Here's to night

Day breaks night unites,
With light, we see and sense difference;
In darkness, trees, meadows and seas and borders
Appear just the same without fear, shame and disorders.

Night covers, comforts and blends,
At night, we seldom fight
Need to wait until comes the light;
White clouds do not rain.

Our mind is so set against black,
More often than not we seem to lack
The vision of the color that takes its form,
When all colors converge absorbs to reform
The mind that perhaps needs to check,
That all nights make the days that break.

Influenced by the eminent writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi's talk on TED Conversations: The danger of a single story

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ode to Martin Luther King Jr. - I have a dream

Ode to Martin Luther King Jr. - I have a dream

Fifty years ago on this very special day,
You shared your dream; you had your say;
The two colorful worlds stood and listened to you,
Your speech of love and peace had blended them anew;
The bond was always there you tapped them on the spot,
With ‘humanhood’ that flew from the heart of your thought;
We are done with it, that meaningless dissent,
Black and white came close to every word you meant.

Down the time pipeline the issues though have changed,
People tired fight they are not engaged,
I’m hopeful men women, if the color magic worked,
Fifty years hence we’d have a peaceful world.

For this to be true, we need the August man,
To unite the world into a happy caravan.

Written on the 50th anniversary of MLK's famous speech: I have a dream

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Life unbound

Life unbound

This is life dudes!
Come on face it, embrace it,
Flow with it before it deludes,
Race with it all the way,
It’s not here to stay;
Fight it with your zeal!
Through the way you’ll heal,
Otherwise it’ll hurt,
Will have your fingers burnt,
Turn it all the way;
With so much wealth around,
Catch it if you may,
Your fists are strong and sound!

This is life dudes!
Mighty it includes,
You might have a laugh,
Know it’s worthy enough,
If you’re rough and tough,
Whenever you can,
Help a sad human;
The weak needs your strength,
To walk along at length,
With so much wealth around,
Kindness needs no ground,
Give it if you may,
Your wrists are strong and sound!

Love as much as you can,
From your caravan,
Life is like a sea,
Helping us to see,
It’s also the sky,
Letting us to fly,
Fire it is in turn,
Helping us to burn,
Know it’s now your chance,
To sing and play and dance;
With so much wealth around,
Your charm that knows no bound,
Your trysts are here to found! 

Known stranger

Known stranger

We've been together for quite some time, 
It seems as if it’s a little while; 
You came unto me to write an old rhyme, 
With your big eyes and angelic smile. 
Been through our bit to compose our song, 
The story that had its own right and wrong; 
‘twas real for sure, so sweet and sound, 
We walked along we danced around. 
The days like these sailed by and by, 
I became old you remained so young; 
Left me behind I couldn’t fly, 
To traverse the sea so vast and long. 
Here’s to past our good old days, 
The key to the room with so many tales; 
Has many more bits that could have been told, 
Together with us that weren’t so cold. 
I bid you a bye I haven’t a way, 
To ask you to be and beg you to stay; 
Now if you meet me anywhere, 
Smile at least to this known stranger. 



Five hundred thousand years ago, 
I would be strong, bold, replete with ego. 
Would kill and rule the weak, 
Snatch, rob, plunder and steal, 
From the pipe my strength would leak, 
Reproduce a monster refusing to feel. 
Even today I do so much the same, 
In a different court with some other name, 
I don’t realize I didn’t an inch change, 
And it’s all okay with nothing so strange. 
Five hundred thousand years ago, 
I would be just as strong, bold, replete with ego. 

Learning space

Learning space

I have got a place from where
I weave my world of fun sans despair;
You came unto me when the sun was gone,
I embraced you with my arms forlorn.

My arms are mine but they are not me
I learnt from you with ecstasy;
If they are depressed I can change their esprit,
By humming with my lips under the black warm tree.

The space I left just a little while ago
Is children’s den who refuse to grow;
I love them all with all my heart,
If only they could see their juvenile art.

I’m not done have to learn a lot
To tailor the whole with a winsome knot;
Those kids have eyes and ears like me,
Who am I to teach first let me be free.

For days and nights I shall learn to weave
At my own man’s pace without a single grimace; 
Learn from you until the night I leave,
To know who I am in this human’s race.

Monday, August 26, 2013

What a call!

Between me and Sarmila, it has been a friendship of more than thirty years. I know her parents, her relatives, and her family as closely as she knows mine. We grew up in Kolkata. Now she is in Delhi and I in Hyderabad. Back in Kolkata, every year our birthdays on 15th June and 18th August would be celebrated in Kowloon, our most favorite restaurant in New Alipore. Birthdays were always very special to us. Even today, we don’t miss each other's birthdays. But mine this year was very special because of what she said on the eve of my birthday, on 17th August:

 -  Sorry, I didn't call you for about a month because I was frightfully busy with my mom.  Just listen. On 16th of July, I was chatting up with my neighbor in their flat. Suddenly, with the weather beginning to change, slightly overcast. I remembered I had left the windows open and that my mom was alone in the flat. She had not been keeping well for quite some time you know that. 
- Yes, I do.
- By the time I could enter my flat, it started pouring. I rushed in and was shocked to find my mother lying flat in the living room bleeding profusely from the head. Not knowing what to do, I shouted Ma, ma please don’t die, please be alive, and kept on closing the windows to stop the rains gushing in. I called my neighbor, called the emergency, called Amit (her husband) who was in office, Nipa (her sister in Navi Mumbai) and asked them to come asap. When we admitted her to FORTIS Noida, the doctors informed that due to high BP, she fell on the ground and had a brain hemorrhage! By then, Amit was there, I called Argha (her son) from Pune, and Nipa was with me with Arka and Titli (Nipa's two children). Will never forget that fateful night Unto (my pet name). We said no to surgery simply because of her age. However, they tried hard to see what could be done and after four days in ICU, the neurosurgeons gave up all hopes and said it was just a matter of some few hours. When I asked how few it was, they said three to four. It was on Saturday 20th July I came to know that ma was leaving us. You know we had a gurubaba who used to rescue us from all difficult situations? 
- Yes I know!
- He had given us a mala with his mantra and had asked us to apply during bad times. I remembered that and had it brought from home and touched that on my mom’s broken head, wished she left us without pain. Doctors had asked us to give her ‘ganga jal’ (water of the Ganges) per our ritual. Amit went to gangotri few days ago, and brought water from the gangotri. We gave her that, though she wasn't able to take that in. It was flowing from her stiff mouth. We started calling up people, and was deciding on which cremation ground to take her to. The next morning we got a call from the hospital and believe you me, we learnt that she was convalescing! Imagine brain hemorrhage! Amit and Nipa were awake the whole night at the hospital. I rushed in to know that although she was recovering she'd gone into coma. Doctors said it might take months for her to come out of it. After about an hour or so, Argha shouted in her ears, O dida! Dida! Cholo bari jabo (Hello Granny, come, let’s go home!)…and the miracle which had begun continued...within a minute my mom’s right eye opened for a second and closed. Vigilant doctors were surprised with literally eggs on their faces. They said they had never witnessed something as strange as this before! What they did after that was remarkable and unheard of Unto! They got an ear phone and asked Argha, Arka, and Titli to call out Dida, dida, and only dida as loudly as they could! Desperate grand-children did a pretty good job Unto!
-  So what happened?
-  Well, well, well, within a couple of hours she recovered and we brought her home…and now she’s up and about! That’s what happened. Doctors say it’s a miracle. Though she has a huge mark in her head…that will take time to heal, but she’s here with us!
-   Did you tell Mashima (that’s how bongs call their friends’ moms) you guys gave her gangajal?
-   No, are you mad? Anyway, happy birthday Unto!
-   Thank you for this wonderful birthday wish. You take care!
-  You too. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

word to word

word to word

Values, beliefs, ethics, principles are words,
Breathing through the nerves, hitting it round and again
For growth, profit, and bargain;
Of profiles and professions, of assets and possessions,
What travels commonly through the veins is grief.

Wonderful as the tailored flower, fruit and littlest leaf,
When two selves meet in a palace or on street
Fresh as the sweat drools for a treat;
Same is the lust and same the relief,
Then what is the seed, is it the diamond or the rice?

To those who are unlike we have ceased to be nice,
To clear it away all price is less
It has no brains, needs a heart without mess;
For us it is to search as we grow in our worlds,
Feelings warm that hide behind those frozen words!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Step by step

Step by step

Your feet remind me of my defeat,
Promised not to let them touch the ground,
Heard them tired working, running, walking around,
Garden threw up to a lonely meet.

Of how and what I couldn’t see,
Hurt you fell, and fell again,
Your belief still in the moon and rain,
Mesmerized a humming bee.

My poem if ever it gave a chance,
To clear away the core grievance,
Feet so meant to sing in dance,
Mind could take a step advance.

No bar

It seemed everyone knew it was not going to work,
Except us
Yes nevertheless.
Now threads are tearing in order
We see us so like others,
More or less
How has the divide been stronger than dividing the pain?
The profit power and all the ruling brain,
Meaningless – nevertheless.
We failed to remain with our other
Beside, failed as countries as neighbors
Pushed aside, yet in the blue firmament
Couples like us
Still talk of their feat, their achievement!
No ground to stretch our hand,
Up in arms to shoot the breathing air,
Waves of friendship ash in the sand,
Enemies come out in dancing despair.
Different we are on a raging ridge
Neighbors are we on a hanging bridge.

Land and sand, on which we grew,
Are leaving past we hold so true.
If only for us we act and think,
Perhaps to feel the missing link!

Friday, August 16, 2013

sacred words are not scared

if the word means surrender
i don't know
if the word means peace so tender
i am at ease it is to show
if the word means self perfection to render
i have no gumption high or low

words that are crying day and night
are shelved had lost the missing sight
words that could build the world tired and bored
are in the woods between the knife and the sword

who is to surrender who is to yield
if there is no one around none in the field
what we see out there is not true not true
words will show the way to me them and you

landing on the mind

I was walking in my mind
When the outside was clear with facts,
Didn’t even know was walking fast or slow
If sessions going on were short or long;
I had to be right to be so correctly wrong,
Feelings played on words hurt and cracked,
The past and more of past a glass of island.

I was outside but wasn’t much there
A little shake or two, took me unaware,
The laughter and the cry was the same as any guy
Living long ago with nowhere to fly;
The walks became long with no one along,
Breathing in and out yet refusing the time,
Bygones flashed like a lasting childhood crime!
With no structured line hollowed and malign,
It went on and on and on,
Facts so bored forlorn.

I heard the sound of dew
In early morning lake
The walks so silly flew
And washed inside so fake.

Sure it didn’t stay for long
Calendar back again, the walk ran in even strong,
Not willing to leave grounded on the floor
I tried to mop it clean from the bottom to the core;
It’s such a daunting task have no one for to ask,
Everyone’s in the game with a splendid pretty mask,
Huh there we are the same, are we not the same!
The name inside is not erring any shame,
Being in this game of cleaning time inside,
Outside’s mystery free and without any pride.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I am into you,
I say things not experienced,
About someone or something not witnessed;
With eyes of someone just unknown,
The snowy brain in the meadows blown,
The language I never speak,
The beliefs I never seek.
Sailing on the sea or driving down the lane
The turn makes a sense yet so much insane.

I am with you,
I write things you did,
The spine of self, broken splendid;
No parents, no foods, no language of me,
Dancing are others’ songs of agony ecstasy,
I write about flowers and trees,
I haven’t smelt or felt their breeze.

The scratch in the frame appears and creates
Song, right or wrong, fascinates and forgets.


Duncan killed, could not make him the king;
The murdered sleep unable to sing,
Dhritarastra blind, urged the brothers to fight;
The drudgery within lost the lasting pretty sight.

Of what use are these players, acting out the death;
Agonies of hatred with thoughtless length and breadth,
Hunger for anger, where in fact there is none;
Ground oozing lives that poem into fun.

Writers write to them, and talkers go on and on;
Action hides in us, when the king’s suddenly born,
Killing the wars in us, all we need to do;
Losing it on stage, winning it anew.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


A name is just a name,
A style anybody’s style;
Call a namesake,
Mirror falls on the ground,faking a cracking sound;
A set of broken beliefs pretending the wooden shelf,
Of what it is known when all a part of self.
Words are here to fail, lie and confuse,
Falter every time, of little or no use;
The patient page is yearning to sleep,
With all names and styles,been guarding the sheep;
In sameness, difference steals a place,
Desperate show in the blank resides a space.
Shameless rootless root that did not break the gene,
Names, actions of a kind can a style imagine.


Don’t go back                    go back;
Don’t play the old tune                 play back;
Don’t rewind the game                 rewind the game.

The gap says it all, between the rise and the fall;
Where to go, what to sing, and what to play;
Dissent that cracks the failing wall;
The middle is stable its hinges will stay.

There is a door                  open and wide;
Window’s hidden                            at no one’s side;
The floor has a ground                   an old new name.

Monday, August 12, 2013

opening cul-de-sac

opening cul-de-sac

What I have is what I am,
What I don't, is what I am, not,
Borrowed eyes are there to slam
Without a sound that covers the plot.

I am living the life lived thousands of years ago,
Tooth and claw, finding flaw lying on the bed,
Imprisoned ease none to release any show,
Black’s still so much ill in the burning red.

Questions have one response,
Answers there all so much within,
Lived through them all at once,
And watched the tired scene.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Driving home a message

When I was almost convinced that air horn was invented by a wasted talent who didn't know what to do with it, I thought of understanding its purpose with a reasonable objective mindset. 

This was what I found from Wikipedia.

“The air horn is a pneumatic device designed to create an extremely loud noise for signalling purposes. It usually consists of a source which produces compressed air, which passes into a horn through a reed or diaphragm. The stream of air causes the reed or diaphragm to vibrate, creating sound waves, and the horn amplifies the sound so it is louder. Air horns are widely employed as vehicle horns, installed on large semi-trailer trucks, fire trucks, trains, and some ambulances as a warning device, and on ships as a signalling device.”

However, in India and other APAC regions, these are installed on regular buses as well!

In my opinion, air horns should not be installed on city buses because of one single reason: sound pollution. To put it simply, it kills your ear drums. More so, because these are employed by thoughtless drivers who blow it out of proportions due of lack of understanding. Even if we see them misusing it, can they really be blamed? Their orientation is not towards safeguarding the environment, it is more towards driving, overtaking, and more mindless driving, and quite justifiably so because our roads have no defined space for light and heavy vehicles making traffic a mess most everywhere in the mentioned region. But that is not the point.

What surprises me most is the fact that even organizations which are doing a great deal of good work in terms of protecting the environment and society have their own office buses plying in the city with air horns. The question we need to ask ourselves is that whether we are able to prevent accidents by employing this meaningless instrument. I may not be able to understand its importance with my limited intelligence, but as a daily recipient of this horrendous sound, I feel that air horns are pretty much redundant and should be banned on regular buses. If all buses in the APAC region were to stop using them, who knows it could make a little difference in terms of protecting our environment from sound pollution.

If it rings a bell, I would appeal to all MNCs and other corporate houses to take the initiative of banning this environment un-friendly instrument, at least on their own buses.

Alternately, our acceptance should wonder at the ripple effect of hearing more of air horns as ring tones.

If not in Medias res

It takes courage to walk away
From conflict, thinking good of those who
Did it, without knowledge of the other way;
On the green meadow, under the sky so blue.

Tough enough to keep off words when
Looks narrow down from islands oozing water,
Arrows flowing up and down from speakers so sane;
Groups, crowds, teams gift swords of words to the defaulter.

Power, is to bless being right in the mess unaware,
Not to colour alone, with hatred and flair;
Strength is where the self, nests in a state of no offence,
To see what is deep inside all alike in nothing, in silence.

It takes love to loosen the strings, shred off the wings,
Take the squeezing poem out when it sings,
Out of being in Medias res walking down the aisle;
Limping, crawling yet waking up to the smile.

Monday, August 5, 2013

original fun

Faith in belief,
A big anger in a gun,
Cutting everyone
Until there is none;
Or cloning all bipeds
Into an insipid one.

One is not so easy,
Yet it is the original fun,
When differences don't blow
And sense begins to flow;
We will have begun
To see the moon in sun.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Her steps are not so tall,
Her face like mirror, round and small;
She came to me in ecstasy,
To show me what I want to see.

She sang when the sky was with the moon,
Danced to the leaves with a tender tune;
I was covered in a place so pretty known,
Lied on the root much overgrown.

One step up she sang with me,
My heart was on her dancing face;
It mellowed well through the breezing tree,
Her joys had left a little trace.

Friday, August 2, 2013


You were there the other day,
I had a wound I dared to say,
It is there and yet to heal,
When to date I don’t see still.
I call a number to book the seat
Don’t know if there’s a chance
For us to meet!

Would roam around without a glance,
No meaning there without you,
Come to me come anew,
No words breathe, and none asleep;
My heart abounds a loving beep
I can’t listen and I can’t see
My part apart from all of me.