Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Hey dear soldiers
shrug off your shoulders
those devils and demons
noisome guns, wreckful
warring weapons

live, not die for your countries
safeguard the world’s territories
rage war against pollution,
global warming, child trafficking,
injustice, inequality, corruption

for listless ruinous centuries
you laid your lives wrecking
your fraternal enemies
your own reflections
without the slightest gumption

challenge, convince your skippers
arrogant, adamant nincompoops
their gibberish rhubarbs,
meaningless loose-loose,

they’d rather change
their ghastly goals
tailor those thoughtless tools
drop their egos

so you could
with vim and vigor
lunge at the village’s
vices, force majeure
the global foes 


  1. Beautiful! Wish our nation's soldiers could read this!
