Saturday, June 19, 2021

The arrogance of science

The arrogance of science
has walked over spirituality
for long, merely because
it's not applicable for all, 
it discarded levitating, the
power to roam in one form
in multiple places at the same
time, the wisdom to leave the 
body as tricks, undermining 
them as black magic. 

True, it cannot be achieved 
by bribing anyone, for this
one has to sincerely practise
for days and for years;
in the ancient times, countless
rishis, men and women alike
had the know-how to engineer
their body and their mind. 

Science had delivered imbalanced 
growth, insane miseries and debacles, 
spirituality had empowered self with 
balance, with jaw dropping miracles. 

If only the science of spirituality
be understood and exercised, 
we'd restore our lost sanity, 
regain the power of our mind. 

Waste no more time, 
dear friends, sit and 
meditate, experience a 
blissful world for yourself. 

Let science and spirituality
walk hand in hand, 
let peace, prosperity for all 
be the law of the land.

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