Two slum dwellers.
In life, they became
successful, for as children,
they decided to go to school.
Now they work in the
MNCs during the day,
in the evenings, teach
the eager children of
their neighborhood, and
offer them healthy food.
Two slum dwellers.
In life, they became
successful, for as children,
they decided to go to school.
Now they work in the
MNCs during the day,
in the evenings, teach
the eager children of
their neighborhood, and
offer them healthy food.
I grew up giving up
on a wide range of things;
my favourite pillow,
crawling, being fed,
applauded for doing
the littlest of things,
being dressed by my
parents, occupying
the window-seat of all
vehicles I thought I owned.
I do remember a sudden,
silent voice resisting,
talking back to time,
whispering in the air,
asking it to stay,
as it were.
Retired from work,
I looked askance at the
state of affairs; severed
from life, I feel numb;
oftentimes, I have the
urge of asking a child, or
an adult if they were my
age and imagine a strange
expression on their face.
I can still walk, eat, watch
TV, stay connected with
the world, mostly with
the virtual world, do my
chores by myself.
But very soon, this time
will disappear, like camphor,
I will have to give up on
these as well; return to my
childhood for good, albeit
with the experience of an
adolescent, mature life;
I find it rather comical
that I will still not have
learned the art of giving
up; I can clearly listen
to the voice screeching
everywhere on my behalf,
as it were.
হরি আমার কাছে এসো
আমার পাশে বসো
আমার সাথে কথা বলো,
আমায় ভালোবাসো।
বল কি করিলে তোমাকে পাই
খালি তোমায় খুঁজে বেড়াই,
দাওনা ধরা অঝোরে তাই
কেঁদেই দিবানিশি কাটাই।
এই ব্যথা মোর কাটবে যবে
তোমার সাথে দেখা হবে,
তোমার হাতে হাতটা ধরে
আনন্দে মন উঠবে ভরে,
মাতব তোমার আলোর টানে
খুশির জোয়ার আসবে প্রাণে
হরিবোলের জাদুর গুণে।
ও হে হরি, বল না কি করি
তোমায় ছাড়া সবই বৃথা
আমার মনের গভীর ব্যথা
কাউকে কি আর বলতে পারি?
আমায় জড়িয়ে ধরো
ঠাকুর, আমার যত গর্ব
গরল, ভিতর থেকে খর্ব
করে, নতুন ভাবে গড়।
শত সহস্র পাপের বোঝা
করো আমার হ্রাস
তোমার কোলে টেনে আমার
পুরাও অভিলাষ।
ও হে হরি মরি মরি
আমার কাছে এসো,
আমার পাশে বসো
আমার সাথে কথা বলো,
আমায় ভালোবাসো।
Carrying the boulder for good
goes the accursed Sisyphus,
carrying his own cross for
crucifixion goes the accused
Jesus; a strikingly similar image
that had gone beyond
time and space.
One was punished for cheating
death, for violating xenia,
killing guests, while the other,
for blasphemy; destroying
a set of lifeless dogmas.
One was punished by God Zeus,
the other by the humans, the
Romans, Pilate Pontius.
Who knew that Sisyphus, known
as the cunning ruler, would one day
become the symbol of human dignity,
one who was seen to be carrying
the stone for eternity was also
enjoying his taste of success, by
placing the rock on top of the
mountain, to experience and
renew momentary happiness?
Who knew that those who killed
the supreme symbol of sacrifice
and innocence that ever walked
on earth, would become his
earnest disciples?
The disproportionate punishment
of the accused, the accursed had
over the years made them the
heroes; Sisyphus, who carried the
burden of the underworld to represent
the humans, by combatting death and
their monotonous condition of life, and
Jesus, who carried the weight of the world,
with the sovereign sacrifice of his own life,
to represent God; the two became symbols
of love and sublimity.
I will write on the
bellies of the starved,
I will put words in
the mouths of the
not one word of
disgrace in my thought
to be used against the
unfortunate wealth, my mind
will not blame oppression,
injustice, it would, like a
singing bard, whisper in
the ears of the achievers
on what real acquisition is,
the eyes of the rich will
suddenly open up and feel
the poignance of walking
over the poor, the stalwarts
will redesign the market
trends; the world, devoid
of disparity, will see its place.
Until then, my love for
the rich and the poor
will continue to enrich the floor,
until growth and development
delivers equality, until the
time new theories of economies
are written, until the pleasures
of the absence of depravity
come into fruition, will I
safeguard my relentless,
tireless position, seated on
the bellies of the famished,
inside the mouths of the starved.
The world
many skies
rich, poor;
many grounds
sliced into pieces,
colours of rainbow
horrific melange
of dark shades,
power to grab
the lion’s share,
the pie of the red
innocuous fruit
made sinful selling
packs of irrelevant
Grim heaven,
sunless, moonless,
a stone on the
shoulders of
the cursed survivors,
glorified soldiers;
bright firmament,
shining stars,
an umbrella on
the blessed dwellers.
The residents of
the world,
divided, dispersed
caste, creed, colours, race
spitting scarlet words,
splitting the skies and
the grounds in
holes and parts;
The world, way too
unseparated in its
orbit to fly off
to a distant time
and space.
It needs one ground,
one sky to stand
in its moving place.