Monday, October 19, 2020

The servant-leader


With two eyes I can behold the world
yet, I am blinded by the light,
for I cannot see the sun;
where has it gone, I wandered on and on
with the search, the air got blurred
crowds of clouds overcast my brain
in broad daylight, I contemplated rain;
I couldn’t imagine that in the scorching
light the star cannot be seen, for in its
own light it effortlessly burns,
the service shines, its sign disappears,
thanks to its selfless work, a bit mundane
every corner of the earth lives again.

To have a glimpse I waited till dusk.
When the bestower, like a servant
finished the daily task, my wait was
rewarded for I saw the solitary leader
soon, calm and composed, the planet’s
only boon; I knew it’ll move into
another world then, though will
never keep us in the dark, as in the heaven
will rise the mesmerising moon.

I learned my most endearing lesson
how true leaders alone can serve
their nation by giving impartial light
to everyone, tomorrow there will be
another dawn, I will come again
and see the sun.

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