Sunday, August 2, 2015


Image credit: Google images

Inside the box, a pathway
a dream lies
hands that wrote and sang
myriad stories
from the waves on the sands
from the flowers to the brooks
eyes looked for colours
scarlet and gray united as one
beyond black and white reality
ears heard the tune from a distant land
an aria that thrilled the heart
waiting to be devoured in time.

It once looked for mangoes in October
coloured the dove, caressed by the few  
hummed a tune that sounded like the dew
the bird tried to flutter its wings
inspirited song did the heart sing
reveries from within, requiems died
now in deep slumber,
a silent world inside.

In this silence
freshly deceased dream
gleaming in flame-like waves
with flower-like warmth, essence
through the dispossessed organs
a keepsake
exuding through a stream
in quiet footsteps

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