Monday, August 10, 2015

Times, with daughter

Good morning to you all, hey!
I am thrilled, excited
I am going on a date
With my daughter today

I have never felt so complete and rich
All knotty, gloomy clouds gushing out from within
She asked me out; with me she’d spend some time
I’m in seventh heaven now, aren’t I in cloud nine

I saw her up, through time through the years
Sleeping on my lap, easing out her fears
We sang, played and danced, we talked high and low
Times in my eyes had seen her bloom and grow

I asked her, why date with baba*, hey you pretty miss?
My witty child replied, so you chime a rhyme on this

Note: *baba: In bengali, baba means father

At a time when I am struggling to survive, to make ends meet, my daughter, who has just started working, asks me out! I am rejuvenated and wanted to keep this feeling just as it should be, as a reminder that despite all the fiscal losses, I am rich, that nothing is lost.

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