Sunday, June 16, 2024

think again


yes, you have the right, my friend
to feel left out, sad, vapid
your angst is just and valid
so is your unspeakable pain
yet if you look at the world
where there are these survivors
whose actions louder than words
they’re the heroes, the victors
seldom to sense freedom
never to taste the fruits of their labors

countless men, women, children
their sufferings without ends

who survive the poetic sunshine,
refreshingly rejuvenating rain
no shelter to share

if you think your life’s unfair
look around and think again

Thursday, June 13, 2024


everybody knows
what those blind men
thought of the elephant
but when they get into
speculation about
how the world was
created, they cannot see
their blindness, why
nobody knows

nobody knows
why what happened
before time, what is
outside the space,
why the world was created
are erroneous questions
but that
when, where, why
before, outside
are words of time,
space, causation
everybody knows

everybody knows
they are this
they are not that
yet who the self is
nobody knows

nobody knows
who the inevitable
player is
but who the waker, the dreamer,
the deep sleeper is
everybody knows

everybody knows the
havoc the world
is subjected to, that it
is a prey, everybody knows
but that the predator is
the ignorance, nobody knows,
that it is neither good
nor evil
nobody knows

Bon voyage

A sparrow and his hen
With kids, happy in their nest
The birds all of a sudden
Decided to cross the sea
To check what's there to see

For months they tried
Flexed their wings
Exercised to build them stout
Not with their winsome wings
But with the disobedient waves
They found them a bit unsound
The water roared too wide
They felt tiny to cross the side

The two pondered for long
The yearning to leave was strong
Their nestlings have grown up,
Gone out of sight
They wouldn't know how to
Make the flight
They were about to give up
On the trip
When they perched on
A sailing ship 

পথ চলা

পুরোনো কথা লিখি
নতুন সতেজ পাতায়
ফেলে আসা চাঁদ দেখি
জোৎস্না-মাখা জানালায়।

এ চেনা মায়া পথে
ভেসেছি অনেক আগে
সেই সাধ আবার বুঝি
জাগে, নতুন ছন্দে 

নতুন অনুরাগে।

টেবিলে প্রদীপ জ্বলে
খাতায় কলম চলে
চুপিসারে তুমি এলে
চোখ হাঁসে মৃদু অশ্রুজলে।

কখন আমি থামি 
এই গল্পের মাঝপথে
কে জানে
আলোর উষ্ণ ছোঁয়ায়
আমার খয়েরী মনে
পুনরায় উঁকি দেয় 

সবুজ কিশলয়।