Thursday, February 6, 2020


I have no boss, I am no one's boss
No, I am not even my own boss. 
Big burdens buried, binned
Baggage alighted in the wind, 
A barrier I had to so desperately cross.

Business has messed with 'boss'

Cruelty, punishment, penalty
Germs that devoured liberty
The ethos that spread chaos
All around the globe, without slightest dignity. 

In a boss-free zone if the world would ever be

Wars, woes, worries, would wither
Work would be done comfortably, 
Wealth would wonderfully wander 
Without the boohoo of a boss buzzing anywhere.

What a bliss! The bad and the sad word,

Has gone for good from my world;
I see friends all around, I can work
In peace with my profit and loss
Beyond the mess and the curse of a boss.

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