You must be a winner?
To be in the good books
Of self-help?
What about the authors
Who're writing their stories
On life's page?
Surviving with resilience
Despite odds, hard work?
Slogging for their families
Yet not making it right?
Would you never let them write?
They’re caged in credit cards, EMIs
Shelved forever as losers?
They fall every moment, never succumb
Only winners would you welcome?
You neglect them in silence
Though in the defeat, lies their success.
They're the warriors
Who battle in the game
Their names are quite defamed;
These readers need to be written
Aren't daily losers the real winners!
The majority who lose
Yet participate on the stage
Kudos to you my friends!
You are the dudes from whom
People should learn to strive,
You need to be heard and read
How you fall and rise
Every day and night
Like the stars in the sky!
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