Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Black hat, new world

You look at good things,
Yes dudes, you dance and sing;
I find faults in children's bags
Sins nourish and flourish
in this and that. 
Yes I'm negative, you darling brats
for I am the one with the same black hat.

Toy guns! All for fun, huh? 
Innocuous, boisterous,
Far outnumber real revolvers. 
But so what, you'd say,
It's not dangerous.

Tom and Jerry, hitting, hurting
fighting with each other
hurling abuses...
Our children are entertained,
rest assured, they're also getting trained
to face the bitter world, 
sure enough, in time they'd find
their counterpart
waging wars, to break apart.

Nursery rhymes! Humpty Dumpty falls...
Ha ha ha, the class laughs!
Jack and Jill hurt themselves, 
children learn their lessons
to giggle at others' troubles, 
they memorise not just the words, 
they take with them, their worried worlds.

For a new world to begin,
however good and effective, 
we need to unlearn
some of our old learnings.

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