Friday, June 21, 2019

Empty words

Empty words

How's it a global village, 
Where a country's failure
Is another's success, 
Not the whole world's shame?

Words, only words
For better or for worse, 
Playing the blind blame game.

Ganges is connected to Amazon
Like lungs is to kidney
Dubai is linked to London
Like Surat is to Sidney.

Palestine is connected to Hong Kong
Like heart is to brain
Zimbabwe is linked to Wellington
Like forests to gardens. 

The world, much like all sentient beings
Has cells, tissues, enzymes, bones, arteries and veins
You may call them villages and cities
You may regard them as rivers, oceans, seas and mountains. 

When you are dumping garbage
Onto the weaker periphery
Remember this please, 
That you maybe healing your elbows
But you're hurting your knees. 

In between your part 
Of the world and mine
Stand lonely borders; selfish, alert,
Only empty words shine. 

Empty words cannot lure
As boosters of the Game
When a country's failure
Is taken, as the whole world's shame. 

Whatever has been our past
Walls will fall, wars can never last. 
However scarlet 
The stage might have been
Peace will gain its ground
It's bound to rise and win.


  1. Sab shabdon ke khek - khel mein. (All in the game of words)

    1. Thank you Jhalu. Yes, it is sad. But as writers we need to keep on writing.

  2. So touched Da! Both the message and the poem.. A work of a soulful wordsmith. Keep inking as always.. such sincere and meaningful thoughts🙏😊

  3. Thank you for reading and commenting with your insights Sanguine Spirits.
