Thursday, May 23, 2019

Paradise cries

Ailing world.
All its organs
Bruised relentlessly
With collective care, concern;
Poverty, pollution,
Weapons, wars
Divides and scars
Experienced everywhere.

With its waves
The world roars
Every moment
'You speak in so many tongues
I beg your pardon
My feelings unnoticed, my agonies unsung?
You're killing me, your own nest
It's a lose-lose game
Are you so dumb!'

With its clouds
The world roars and says
'I shed these clouds time and again
You get water, life-giving rain
You can't clear them from your head
You seem to melt them only into blood
Coagulate me with your scarlet flood
You're hurting me you're such a pain!
I'm boiling now, volcanoes inside
You don't count that you're committing suicide?'

Hell of a world
All its parts
Ripped apart.
Golden garden
Weighed down
Perilously hanging on the edge
Tonnes of destructive, useless knowledge,
Selling a pack of insipid lies!

Full of hope, with dreamy eyes
The grounds screech of crises
Paradise cries. 


  1. Impassioned and heart-wrenching cry of a badly bruised universe, poignantly articulated by poet Supratik Sen. Well done!

    1. Thank you dear Padmaja Iyengar. An excellent poet yourself, your words are much appreciated. Gratitude.

  2. Wonderful Dada..very nice..

  3. A beautiful poem expressing the anguish of the earth on the atrocities of mankind .

    1. Thank you Mona for stopping by and leaving your beautiful insight. Gratitude.

  4. The earth is in tatters and none can ignore it for long. Well worded.
