Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Bound to bloom

Bound to bloom

My poems
My lines
Who picks
Who pecks
Who cares
I have love
I am love
I bloom

Sun shines
Moon lights
Stars blink
Water flows
Wind blows
Garden glows
I come
I go

Who woos
Who shoos away
I smile always
In time
In space

Sunday, May 26, 2019



Lately, I see a change
In the way I behold
The world.
It's not a question of age
It is more of the mind
That in competition
Of any kind
In any form or in any art
I do not take part.

Lately I'm of the opinion
I beg your pardon,
That healthy competition
Is an oxymoron,
Cut-throat is close
I am surprised, even morose
To see how a sensitive
Person like Rose, beyond trace
Initiate a war of words
To animate the space?

These naive competitions,
A stereotype gesture
Will not be of any use
It will inflate, corrupt the ego
Of those who judge
Instill bitterness and even
More lack of participation
Make it colder,
Less communicative
Than what it already is,
Will fill the air
If you please
With bad breath and unease.

We could fill the air
With comments that are kind
Help readers learn how to reflect
On the good and on the bright
Than to harp on the bad
Making the atmosphere far too
Grim and sad.

Competition is against nature
For in a garden there is none
Which claims supremacy over the other,
All are in their own space
Be it a lotus, a poppy, or a rose
Competition is an unnatural
Way of trying to feel warm and come close.

Lately, I see myself out of the rat race
Words that damage the spirit of a page
Are of little use, for they bleed in the ambit
Addicted by blind and deadly habits.

But lately, I have also become less stubborn, more accepting
So I wholeheartedly appreciate the gesture of Rose;
Always finding
Ways and means to encourage
Bards of the same feather
To meet for sometime and chatter,
Maybe the way she followed
Seems to me being in the cage,
But laudable is the heart that pumps inside,
To do something wonderful for this  splendid site
Rather than sulk and criticise;
For heaven's sake, in this golden garden
I no longer want to be a bad apple,
Not anymore
The participation could well make us bond, make us  more strong
Beyond words, for once
Without condition
I would like to be proven wrong.

Written exclusively for the UKAuthors

This is not a family

I was trying to paint
A picture perfect image
Of a family
With water colours
Under the rain.

Papa ploughing the field,
Playing catch catch
With the child
On the meadow
Mama standing by, at ease as she be
Affectionately holding the baby.
Watching as witness
Is the magical, miraculous sky.

My brush
Relentless and stubborn
Looking for the sun
Under the weeping sky,
Painting to fade
On the patient page.

The off-white leaf smirked
Wide and wild
Winked at the brush;
Determined, under no rush
The page dried
The sun showed,
Painter was cold
His hands couldn't hold
The three faded from the mind;
In time, the picture of their bonding
Went haywire, missing.

Blades disenchanted, disunited,
Still tried,
Colours hard as rocks
Now, refusing to melt
Uselessly lied.

Impression of a family
Painted under the rain, surfaced
Like a boat that sailed afloat
The sun smiled.
This is not a family,
Underneath the painting
The painter wrote.

Fading families

We like to watch stories
Of bonds and ties
Within families,
For in the modern world,
As we strive to survive
These are slowly
Disappearing from our lives;
To witness these
On the stage and on the screens
It enlivens our mental albums
Our frame of sweet memories.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Unwilling to unlearn

 Unwilling to unlearn

Lately, I'm constantly pushing
Away the masquerading Mars
An iconic scar
Of the medieval mindset.

Lately, I'm constantly throwing
Away the immortal Malthus
A treasured erudite
Reason for the
Horrendous Holocaust
His blessings
Wars as positive checks?
Still counting.

Lately, I'm constantly rejecting
The deadly Darwin
The most read respected
Unnatural naturalist
His dark enlightenment
Has made mankind lose
Battles by winning
Many times over
With the fittest survivors
That went extinct
Keeping the so-called inhuman wars
Human, alive and distinct.

How can I blame Hitler
His predecessors
His followers
And other harbingers
Of holy wars
When I have Darwin
Malthus and Mars
As gallivanting ghosts
Of the universe?

Lately, I'm constantly
Pushing myself away
From the learned world
Which will continue
To slaughter, butcher
No matter what;
Licensed, endorsed
Permissive horrors
Of people killing people
Turn by turn!
Because of what we are:
'Unwilling to unlearn.'
We will continue to be thus
Write repetitive words
In the hackneyed human omnibus
Even hundreds of years later
Unable to survive without wars
Attacking our neighbors
For food and water for no good
Unable to survive without weapons
Flaunting yet of growth and development
Under the lying firmament.

It is thanks to the disastrous bane
The world is stillborn, insane.

Friday, May 24, 2019

অহরহ দিবানিশি

তোমার থেকে আর
কিছুই চাইবার নেই আমার
আমি যে এখন অহরহ
দিবানিশি কেবল তোমাকেই চাই,
আমার মন, প্রাণ, দেহ
তোমাকেই দিলাম তাই।

এস এবার তুমি যে রূপে চাও
তোমার সব সাজই অনুপম
আমার আঁধার ঘুচিয়ে দাও,
আমার যত মিথ্যা
কলহ, বেদনা, বিরহ
মিলিয়ে দাও, মুছিয়ে দাও
এ কুটির তোমার অনর্গল
আলোর ধারায়,
তোমার পবিত্র ছোঁয়ায়
হোক সদানন্দময়, হোক মনোরম!
হে সচ্চিদানন্দ, তোমার ছায়ার
তলায়, অনায়াসে কাটুক
সব ক্লান্ত, উদ্ভ্রান্ত বিকর্ম আমার।

তোমার থেকে আর
কিছুই চাইবার নেই আমার
আমি যে এখন অহরহ
দিবানিশি কেবল তোমাকেই চাই,
আমার মন, প্রাণ, দেহ
তোমাকেই দিলাম তাই। 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Paradise cries

Ailing world.
All its organs
Bruised relentlessly
With collective care, concern;
Poverty, pollution,
Weapons, wars
Divides and scars
Experienced everywhere.

With its waves
The world roars
Every moment
'You speak in so many tongues
I beg your pardon
My feelings unnoticed, my agonies unsung?
You're killing me, your own nest
It's a lose-lose game
Are you so dumb!'

With its clouds
The world roars and says
'I shed these clouds time and again
You get water, life-giving rain
You can't clear them from your head
You seem to melt them only into blood
Coagulate me with your scarlet flood
You're hurting me you're such a pain!
I'm boiling now, volcanoes inside
You don't count that you're committing suicide?'

Hell of a world
All its parts
Ripped apart.
Golden garden
Weighed down
Perilously hanging on the edge
Tonnes of destructive, useless knowledge,
Selling a pack of insipid lies!

Full of hope, with dreamy eyes
The grounds screech of crises
Paradise cries. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

God is

God is power for me
God for eternity is bliss
God is love and purity
God is always at ease
God is light
A little beyond sight
God is infinite peace.

Without God
No battle is lost or won
There's no pain, no fun
Without God
I can't chant or talk
I can't sleep or walk
I can't eat or work;

Without God
I can't write or speak
I can't play hide and seek
I can't recite or sing
I can't think or run
God is my everything,
God is my everyone. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

That's not any sport

You remember Spartacus? He'd fight with the lions! Most of the time, the poor lions would die in front of the applauding audience. At other times, the slave would be killed in front of the entertained spectators. Imagine!
Every time, such killer sports would end in deaths, bloodshed. Then, in time, came these bull fights (they could be contemporary) where either the bull or the fighter would, if not die, would be brutally bruised and tortured.
Fortunately, when cruelty towards animals became a meaningful and global concern, we slowly saw such sports disappear. Not disappear actually, they reappeared in other forms, viz. cartoons, comics and so on.
It is sad that the habit of watching the slaves in dire consequences, has not left us yet. Thus we have human beings fighting human beings in sports such as wrestling, boxing, etc. What do they do? They fight with each other, sometimes to death or sometimes to inflicting permanent damages like loss of sight, hearing, breaking of bones and so on. What do we do as audience? We sit and enjoy the game! This has become so much ingrained into our belief system that it has become worse than a grass or any injurious addiction.

In an age where we have wars of every kind, when we are sincerely looking for global peace and harmony, do such sports, involving millions and millions of people help to bring about equanimity I wonder.

For the sake of peace, we need to innovate alternative sports for fun and entertainment.

Would you agree? 

I'm not alone

No, I am not alone.
My dreams, unfulfilled.
But I know for sure
They will appear as real
In my zealous zone.

No, they're not thrashed
In the obsolete trash
They're treasured as
Precious stones
In a place I call my own.

Yes, my dreams screech in the thorns
They also smile in the flowers
They're found in twilights, in dawns
They're there in the darkest of nights
They exist in the lightest of morns.

Yes, my dreams in the end will fulfill
Like streams they will come alive
My burns will cure, wounds will heal,
Beyond doubt, they'll arrive on time
From corners, known, unknown
To lovingly adorn my throne.

Until the time it is fulfilled
I will not accept defeat, not yield
I'm like a farmer ploughing the field;
With seeds of hope nurtured and sown
I'm a dreamer, I'm not alone. 

A while ago

He was falling
From the cliff.
No, it wasn't any sport
He saw the child
Running around...
His mom, with a handful
Of rice and daal,
Chasing him.

He is falling
Every moment
Seemed precious.

He could finally gather
The courage
To bid adieu
To the perpetually
Warring world.

Minutes before he could finally
Touch the ground
He saw his mom
Burnt alive,
His sister raped,
His father murdered,
By some innocent souls
Who followed the instruction
Of their ignorant leaders.

They had to survive
They wanted to survive
They deserved to survive.
And so they did.
His parents, his sister, his family
And now he himself
Not in this they.

He thanked God
Even after years of waiting
For justice,
When nothing came about,
He never became a criminal.

He couldn't forgive
The world where
He belonged
A while ago. 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

A big relief

Nothing to do!
No work to look forward to
None to talk to!
Engaged only with my lines
My words, a pack of useless lies
This now my affair
A little unfair huh?
I think I must die
Ha ha ha
No courage to decide
To end my life, to commit suicide.

The woods are lovely dark and deep
I have no promises to keep
I beg your pardon Robert Frost
I borrowed your lines for I am lost.
Live for as long I need to live
It is never too late to turn a leaf.
But this fruit I throw up
Is a big relief. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

My dreams

My dreams,
Lying on the shore
Unfulfilled pebbles.
My myopic eyes
Don't recognize,
Cannot own
Any one stone.

Those black jewels
Which could once see
The horizon at night,
The hilltop through the fog
Are screeching for vision.

'They're not what you see
They're diamonds!
Whether scattered
On the beach,
Drowned in the mines
Yet to be found,
Adorning a jewelry
Or a beating heart
They're precious
Priceless pearls'.

My feeble, fragile hands
Took some from the sand,
Through the travelling thoughts
Like a 'living dead'
Came unto a stream, got
Them gently placed  on its bed.

A voice whispered again in the air
'The fresh, tender water
Would perhaps not let them die.
Let them lie here in peace,
The rest that are drying on the shore?
Through an unknown hand of bliss
Will see their day for sure'.

Roles matter

When you write your lines
I become a reader
You bring them to life
With your tunes
Humming in the air,
I become a listener.

You sing to me stories
Of successes and failures
Of families and histories
Of joys and woes,
Your world of words
Makes me a follower.

For all these roles I play
I'm indebted to you everyday
I can read, listen, follow
Other words, high and low,
Now I'm able to catch and receive
Stories of diverse thoughts and beliefs.

I can also write and sing my lines
This role liberates me from any bondage
Thousands of untouched, untold lives
Unfold on my patient, moving page. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019



Goodness is seen
Sadly in pictures
In advertisements
In words
In sounds
Seldom in silence
Camouflaged in the cage
Bound within the fence.

If so many people are good
Showing their affection
Their kindness
Towards the needy and the poor
In social networking sites
Collecting a downpour
Of countless likes
Then why's the world still
Suffering from injustice, imbalance
Of every kind?

I wonder how we talk
What we do instead
When none would watch us?
Weak or strong
What are the monologues
What actions play in the head
Where are we going wrong!

The mystery is that
Deep inside
What we show
Is keeping us alive
Like Sartre said,
As the 'living dead'
Within the walls
Fake and false.

In these unaffected lines
I might sound a little rude
But relax ye dudes.
Like you, I want the world,
Hackneyed with words
To be just as it should
Really kind and good. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

A perfect world

Looking for perfection
Is not just a vice
It's an addiction, an invisible device
Through which enters
The hitherto invincible corruption
With a humongous, perverted price.

You don't accept a line
A word, an expression
Of a text
You come up with fine
Innocuous suggestions,
But you don't realise
That this intolerance
In other contexts
Can ruin your life.

This virus in your head
Could contaminate your house,
You don't accept your spouse
Their stature, their size
Their looks
You don't accept your child
Their friends, their preferences
Their outfit, their outlooks.
You don't accept your colleagues,
Your friends,
Their language, their leagues
Their possession,
Their habits, their race.

Finally perhaps
A voice says,
'I don't accept myself,
But why pray!
I survive, I exist
I'm on my way
Striving to be perfect,
Not in your books
But on my page.
You accept me, my lines, my germs
Just as they arrive, as they come.

Maybe the world will take
Another hundred years,
Fighting intolerant wars
For a perfect world
With uncountable grief and tears
Until it knew how to love,
To greet others
The way they are,
To accept, welcome
All forms and expressions
Without elusive perfection.

Friday, May 3, 2019


The door is open
But I cannot leave.

The outside beckons
The inside attracts
I'm stuck in between.

I'm free to go
Hands are tied
Feet drowning
Into the dark abyss low
I find myself inside
This yes and no.

The call is certain
So sudden
I cannot believe.

Both worlds, with their beliefs
I want to own, love and live.

The appealing dichotomy
Speaks volumes to me.

Life lies as an open book
But I cannot turn the leaf. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Ready to work

If we discover
The art of love
Airs and waters will purify
Pollution will disappear
Poverty will perish
Global warming
Will cease to exist.

Hey scientists
Believe in prayers
Believe in spirituality
Come let's explore
How we can love
Being together.

Stop all your work
Switch off all lights
Nonsense, all nonsense
I promise
The sky will not fall
Nothing more harmful can happen
A crimehouse
Where rats eat the mice
Every day and night
With chicanery and vice
Corruption we espouse.

Stop all your work
Lie doing nothing at all
Just pray from the bottom
Of your heart
And feel the loving art
Beat the darkness
That had for long withdrawn
Bliss, happiness
From the luminous lawn
We will experience
A splendid
A much forgotten dawn.

And then!
My dear friends!
We'd again be ready to work.