Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Chairship zone

No appetite.
Knock, knock
Hello, who is this
It’s me
(the door opens)
O you
Come, sit
I have no track of time
You could have come just a while ago
But moments seem years to me
Ah yes, I know you’ve done horrible things
To merit this seat,
This sailing seat, on fire, is yours!
How many times have I told you
Not to come when I am alone?
You seem to find me in my time!
Are you addicted to me?
Am I your grass?
Okay, since you’ve come
Let us see the home...
I know we’ve seen this many times
Still, many times is first time
Now, please hold the chair
You’ll fall otherwise
Hold it tight else you will fall into the mundane
Now see!
Can you smell her in the kitchen?
Her apron smells like the food
Orange with happiness,
She talks to the vegetables
When they float in heated oil
Do you see?
Yes! Go on...
When she was preparing the food
Your aroused hands snatched her
From the kitchen,
You went here and there with her
To those shelves, those walls
Made love...
You held her
Just after she’d picked the cauliflower
From her organic kitchen garden
You arrived at more or less the same time
A thousand fold times,
In thousand old ways
Now, go, leave
I don’t want you anymore
For you’ll remind me of the library...
Whilst I could smell the books
You wretch!
You cheated on her
For the one who came mopping your floor?
You were talking to those pages
To those shelves, to those walls
You heard those frying sounds still
You smelt that engaged apron,
Preparing a romantic meal for you?
You remember?
Right in the middle of those authors
Who wrote about this, through time, many fold times
In many old ways
Those books have seen the act
Your art of concealing fact
You read them all, and yet you dared...
But hang on, we never had a help
I had that one pair of hands
She was my maid
And I never confabulate with inanimate objects
You know that
You are a wretch, planting cauliflowers in me
You pervert reader
Go burn in the seat
O sanity, the only adultery
Why do you appear in my zone?
And to you, thanks for coming
You can leave 
Let the chair loose...
Now I am hungry.
(the door closes)

some of you might enjoy...others might not...life has many voices, but the one that's within matters because that's what genuinely is, that’s what you have and that’s what you can offer

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