Thursday, December 31, 2015

A year that was, will be

This year passed in confinement.
Detached eyes and ears,
It also passed in sublime seclusion,
Time spent with me, myself
Many times in days and nights
I died and I cried
I also laughed and smiled
I did resurrect.

I lived through my virtual pen
That brought to me loving eyes and listening ears
This year, like the year that was
Without much attached rules and laws
My breathing space of hope and despair
Went... in an unheard fulfilment.

I have nothing to look forward to
Past is the future without a hint or clue.
Time is the predicament.

Nothing will change
In the minds weird, strange
Hunger for anger all around
Distaste for peace
Starving the poor without ground
Wouldn’t be closer to bliss
That, my pen would reflect.

Except for the sky on which I’d walk
I know the earth would feel
The flowers with whom I’d talk
I know grasses will see
Leaves will drop to heal
Their touch and their smell would come to me
I know, in the form of family and friends
With bones and flesh
Alive and lively for the sake of a few
My heart would beat next year too
With love, without repent.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

insane journey

The world is raging
With hatred, anger
To avenge the mindless killing
Of innocent lives, war
It is all set to declare;
The Third World War;

Escaping the sight,
From those collective wrath and wry
Sprung a song, in the guise of a dancing cry
For the sake of those same naive lives
Squeezed and stole its way for a tryst
To search for the first world peace.


Look...just look at the map!
Names are changing and so are the minds,
We’re not in holes, neither in any lapse
The real change is here, from useless feuds unkind.

Earthnorth America! Earthsouth America!
Eartheurope! Earthafrica!
Earthasia! Earthaustralia and Earthoceania!
Countries on this earth, humming eureka, eureka...

Ears and eyes have opened to the stable moving earth,
Graves of grieves have softened, rejoicing in this re-birth.
New focus is our earth, not any invisible stars,
The mud is set to plough where reaps will heal the scars.

Earthnorth America! Earthsouth America!
Eartheurope! Earthafrica!
Earthasia! Earthaustralia and Earthoceania!
Countries on this earth, humming eureka, eureka...

Words, words, and words we’d all been fighting for words,
Good that now we found the earth in our world.
We’d safeguard still our respective identities,
Like flowers of one garden blooming all at ease.

Earthnorth America! Earthsouth America!
Eartheurope! Earthafrica!
Earthasia! Earthaustralia and Earthoceania!
Countries on this earth, humming eureka, eureka...

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

In conversation with...

In the middle of changes,
The mind is armed.
Unable to deliver from the chains
A slippery surface, a bond
To win is to kill.
The intelligent brain with unmatched skill
That could bring heaven from the sky
Is hurting the earth with wrath and wry,
In chain is the constant destiny
Not changed a bit has our wailing history.

Good leaders of the world,
Old leaders of the world,
New leaders of the world,
Bold leaders of the world,
Guns are for those insecure and scared
Don’t flaunt them, benumb them
Stop this destructive expensive game.
They’re for those helpless cowards
Step in, we need you, come forward.
Join us for a change, please listen to us
Good and old, new and bold leaders
Follow the drum that beats too in your hearts.

An appeal by the peoples of this star
A cry from all the countries without bar
Is to re-build the world with gumption and sense,
Kill the need to scythe with our creative intelligence.

We want a no-weapon world,
A weapon-less world, a weapon-free world,
Focus, our leaders on this timeless troubled floor
Don’t create and market those killers anymore
Stock them now for good in their only asylum
Freeze them now with care in the new museum.
All countries will have one sacred little space
Where heartless treasured arms would coffin all in grace
Flags would fly on top, hum a different unsung tune
That was hiding in the hearts, in the depraved morn and noon.

Those museums, our children would visit and say
‘Once upon a time, we used these to kill and slay
We are out of it now thank goodness
We won’t get killed anymore, good riddance.’


Why did you write this poem in my mind?
What is your intention I don’t understand
That which repeats with organs mute and blind
To bring about the change on this history’s land
Do you think it’s possible? This miraculous magic!

Of course yes it is, the hearts are waiting to click
It cannot happen with might, it cannot happen with force
Would happen if you please, by tapping the constant source
You may call it love or by any other name
Present in all of us, in ways just the same
With the peoples of the world, the real power lies
From enemies everywhere, friends will smile and rise
Lively arms would stretch and inert arms will yield
For those who lied on streets, and those who died on fields
Tired objects would rest in silent museum
Minds would all be free, from the insane asylum

Monday, December 28, 2015


My moment has arrived, in time devoured
Extent to complete hanging onto my hat
Contour of the verge scored
Glimmer of a fiction or fact.

How implausibly stable I’d think,
The demeanour of the constant while,
I’d float in the immovable wave of time
In the preface of my story’s ink.

With hand-holding years seemingly few
Stages slowly passed by
Confines time and again anew
Made me forget, wingless boater could fly.

Today, having arrived at the near end of my game
My seat on the proem as I see,
Everyday dressed just the same
On the flower is the busy blending bee.

Permanence or cliff-hanger, both lie,
In their lazy chorus underlying theme,
Euphonious time stays, appears to wither and fly
Around the balanced, resolute stream.

The Bengali version of the poem is অভিযান, posted here.  


আমার সময় এসেছে,
সব প্রতীক্ষার শেষ ৷
সীমার রেখা টেনেছে,
ঘটনা-গল্প কেটে যাওয়ার রেশ ৷

কি অবিশ্বাস্য স্থায়িই না ভাবতম
এখানের স্থির সময়ের চলাটাকে
কালের অচল স্রোতে ভাসতাম
ড়ে চলা কাহীনির ভূমিকাতে ৷ 

বছরের হাত ধরে,
সময় চলে যেত,
সীমানা নতুন করে,
ডানাহীন গতিকে ভুলিয়ে দিত ৷

গল্পের প্রায় শেষপ্রান্তে এসে আজ 
দেখি, শুরুতেই বসে আছি ৷
প্রতিদিনের একিরকম সাজ,
ফুলেতেই সেই সুরেলা মৌমাছি ৷

শেষের কাছে শুরুর মিছে কথা,
শুরুর সাথে শেষের নৃত্যগান,
সবই বুঝি নিত্য সুরে বাধা,
তালের সাথে গতির অভিযান ৷

The English translation of the poem is Pursuit, posted here. 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Affluence flowers as lotus

Money and wealth, in essence
Coagulate in our brain,
Clot as hard dirt, filth, all in vain.

Until the firmness unites, melts into affluence,
From the same dirt, filth just the same,
They choose to resurrect with pride, without shame.

The united one, flowers as lotus,
Ceaselessly flows from our brains to our hearts.

Friday, December 25, 2015


Conflict, a deadly weapon, ghastly
Routed deep, mellowed as an entertainment
Intelligence, pray you play your flute gently
And tune us a way out, from this predicament.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Of lizards

Lizard lies
In the branches
Hiding and writing stories
In human minds
Of changing times

Nature's wings

Crow mothers
Cuckoo sings
Human wanders
In nature's wings

Of war and peace

Scarecrow is to birds
As war is to peace

At cross purposes

Crops hatch
Starving grows

Of flowers

Lotus appears in ponds
Rose comes with thorns

Same stories from same stalks
Mere flowers

They know little of words
But to exist and perish, for lovers

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Here's to the Peoples of the World

Weapons rain,
Intelligence cries.

Wars refrain,
Destruction lies.

The world floods
With obliging bloods.

Drop the guns, the world says
But arms everyone buys and sells.

Power with arms, a primitive style
Thoughts crucified, in history’s file.

233 countries? 6 continents! Such a small number
Yet unable to wake up, from their condemned slumber.

When People would be up with their peaceful power
In an hour they’d ruin, the need to kill and war.

Leaders will follow the Peoples of the World,
Intelligence will smile, glowing and kind
Weapons will rust until they're blurred 
Until they drain and wither from the minds.

Being wrong

Two counties fight.
Two faiths rage war.
Each has a reason sound and strong,
Both think they are in the right
And probably, they most certainly are
To think that war is not wrong.

Is then being right the poisonous germ,
That kills and destroys our rightful peace?
Of what use then is this delinquent sperm,
That grays our right to infinite bliss!

If being right pollutes and corrupts the air,
Being wrong then is correct and fair.
It’d null the weapons, denounce the war
To deliver history’s most insistent scar.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


For an untrained world,
wealth and sex
breed war.
For a trained world,

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Have come down to my neck and my knees,
Like frills
I see my frozen brain in them, once heavy and loud
Now floating, relaxed
In them I see my world, covered.

Soon it will rain,
To celebrate my last tear dance,
And then
All monotonous beginnings
Will end
Every bit of my world,
With a new and fresh focus
Will plough and reap
Harvests of love.

Golden theories will wither,
Metal pages will vanish clear,
Lifelessness in the broken mud will disappear
And I will rejoice in the leap.

I will marry my world,
I know the world will kneel
For love, with my misty eyes
Let me enjoy the frills.

Friday, December 11, 2015

World is the only country

World is the only country,
earth, the only nation,
rest can rest, in space
for a change.