Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The entertaining factor

The entertaining factor

Competition? Excellence! Performance?
Words terrorize in their horrific jurisprudence!
The poem stands up as a willing outcast
Writes about wars with stories from the past!
These words with their actions such an utter non-sense
To the poem are reasons for the people to be tense!
Listen to me you pious sordid priests
Your judgments know nothing to say the pretty least!

I came to this world with a tongue of my own
It is cut into pieces and completely thrown!
I pluck the organ it’s a redundant extra
The street now its throne to cry ra ra!

You divide and provide like those Business Group
A bunch of cannibals in their human hunting tryst!
With prowess of words that sword behind the mist
Eating up everything including our poop!
It is contention with its surprises that ruin us all
You crush us like fools with our own wherewithal!
Like duds we amuse you with our world of fight
While you cash in excellence in broadest daylight!
People in trouble don’t know how to compete
All they know is to fight or fleet!
We are all over the world in Medias Res
You give us your crap of extra-ordinary excess!

The win-lose game that entertains the world
Is the reason for the killing in actions and word!
The lines so ordinary are thinking out of the box
You might as well be us by pulling in your socks!

You may ‘understand’ the meaning of this poem
The words are simple with nothing in them!
To accept its intent that bleeds into tears
We’ll all pass for sure some more dreadful years!

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