Monday, January 20, 2014

Push and move

Push and move

I just pushed you to know,
If you could be ready
It was just another night,
When I woke up because 
The fan stopped moving.
It felt time had also stopped…
There were nights when you’d cuddle unto me,
Post the pushes that were so frequent night after night,
Everything on bed seemed to be more than right,
We’d wake up completely exhausted
The heated pot of water would have tea mixed with sugar
For us to sip in the middle of the night
Words would be soft to let the kids sleep
In the room with stars and the moon,
We’d then steal our way to the balcony
Smoke our dearest cigarette so injurious 
To health! Whisper willing words for you to say
Ah no not again!!
What now would I do the children are there
In the same room asleep just the same
When in this worried helpless room I realized
I just moved a body cold and still.
The fan began rolling again and I get a slap
You push me to ask why such a deep nap.
In here facts adjust in search of a dream
With words unwilling to shout and scream.

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