Saturday, October 13, 2012

Unknown friend

On the bus was a lady seated beside me
Her skin was sinking soft I felt,
                                             didn't dare to see.
She was talking on her cell with someone off and on,
To whom, of what, I didn't want to know and hear,
My stop, I thought would better not be gone
With her voice so touching, skin so near.

I saw her from the corner of my eyes,
Her hair, falling at ease, on my conscious stiffened thighs
Her elbow, I saw, was placed inside, that touched my shirt
So pleased,
She looked outside, the time it seemed has got
Us ceased.

Sitting close, no one knows, and no one even talks
She’s cool, am sure has similar pleasing thoughts.
I was dignified, politely distanced, as far as I could be
To respect the space in which, she came so close to me.

Everyday our journey begins and so does it end,
On the bus we spend some time
With a silent unknown friend.

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