Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Justice had only been promised, 
It has not been delivered;
They get killed on the streets
Unarmed, they're shot dead
in the park, blacks for ages
Are kept in the dark. 

It's not one country's problem, 
The whole of the first world
Is but a concentration camp, 
Where leaders make false claims
But blacks are openly murdered, 
They are mercilessly butchered. 

This has to end for good. 
We want to live in a world
Free of racist cannibals
Let those civilisation-mongers 
Know that we aren't extraterrestrials.

We're made to work as slaves
Through the tireless days,
Through the endless nights;
We aren't treated as equals
In their actions, they hate us
To the core, although 
They talk of human rights. 

Flawed laws need to be changed, 
First world needs to be trained
To unburden their false baggage
Of hatred, their shameful image
Needs to be cleaned, erased,
To get rid of their so-called
Whites man's burden 
Is the real challenge. 

Justice has been promised so far, 
Now, it needs to be applied;
To put an end to this mindless war, 
Racism has to be written off
In black and white.
For the sake of humanity, 
Let colours of difference unite. 

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