Monday, July 18, 2016

Driving home a message

The world has dressed
to destroy itself.
‘You're wrong
They're wrong’,
ringing everywhere
with nuclear power.
Isn't it that fear
is their only savior?

Issues much the same
LOW war;
On land, oil and water.
‘A lesson must be taught’
Age-old urge of the game
to amass the resources of the world.

There is none to break the cycle.
Powerless before our own Intelligence,
we are to witness the debacle
with nescience camouflaged as Sense.

we will expect a messy miracle!

If words could redress the stage,
bonhomie would cease to be strange.
‘We're all right’
written everywhere;
the world to be alive in the air.

Minds would dissolve the cage,
create the Home to rewrite the Page.

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