Friday, November 8, 2013



Ten years have passed, ten years ago. 
An afternoon after school was stolen, 
The Sun would come and fall on the compound, 
Kitty the cat and Dotty the dog, with children, 
Would play with a ball that ran into the ground, 
Time and again, until it was time to go. 
Kitty and Dotty died with the elders, 
Those who played in the afternoons have left. 
The school is now full with other kids, 
The house is there, though everything theft 
With time, that wasn’t there, like now, insipid; 
Some step-marks are walking like offenders. 
Mr. and Mrs. X’s palace who wouldn’t know! 
Standing with grace with dignity and style, 
Where lives like leaves fell off from the Tree, 
Kingdom of excesses sleeping in exile, 
As one by one, the children went free 
In some years that went, not so long ago. 
Adults, Kitty’s and Dotty’s mates, with clients do arrive 
The house is big, nice, they say, but no one wills to buy. 
They have given up all hopes; to everyone they’ve told 
The house will stay like this it will not be sold. 
The same afternoons with Sun still come and go. 
In the house full of lives a little long ago. 

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