Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Averse to judging a verse

Averse to judging a verse

At the temple
is the gate to liberty;
judgement is the lock
gratitude the key.

Let me write poetry
let me spare the bard
under the greenwood tree, on the road
his angst let me store, be free
in the infinite peaceful abode
follow his advice, quit the dry books
with heavy looks
drink his words of worth
keep them all around, inside me.

Hold your tongue please,
let me love; read and write the lines
on the leaves, brown and green
wherever the heart lies
in vices, virtues, at every scene
let me take them in, at ease.

O what do they care
those budding fruits
blooming flowers
meadows and showers
rainbows, seas, thunders

O what do they care
those chirpy singers
let me read and write the lines
look at them without infliction and lies
embrace them just as they are
not scratch them with an incompetent scar.

If words express the chaos and cadence
with truthful pain and pleasure
not with designed pretence
then with gratitude I will
hug them and treasure.

In the journey of life as I
move along
my forehead locks
to judge the songs;
it unblocks, loving the lines,
their hues and cries
as gratefully witness
my ears and eyes.

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