Friday, November 30, 2018

The guest

At times I realize
That the country
Where I work, doesn't
Belong to me.

Here the rains appear strange
Petrichor smells foreign
They fail to make me happy
I wonder why!

I do love to see those huge
Red autumn-leaves,
They look beautiful;
But I've grown up seeing
Catkin flowers talking
To the feathery clouds,
Priests are hired for the
Durga puja* which is celebrated
With enthusiasm and grandeur,
And I've also made friends here
Still in me a sense
of emptiness prevails.

Then where do I belong!
Cannot ignore money, good life?
That's why I'm floating here
Singing the immigrant's song!

Despite the number of shops,
No matter how flawlessly
I sing 'On the country roads'
Or a Jim Reeves number
I'm always out of tune
A signed off intruding prune.
If they don't find anything
They'd look at me, in a metro
They'd stand for miles
Yet not sit beside me
Or they'd simply say,
'O I love this accent'
Until I realize I'm a guest.

But when I go to my
own country, there too
I'm made to feel like a guest.
Relatives, friends
Carry for-how-long-you're-here
On their curious faces
I'm pound and dollar for them
Passers-by look at me strangely,
Roadside teashop owners
Call me sir, but hesitate
Calling me by my name
No matter how flawlessly
I recite in my mother tongue
Lines of Tagore so dear
'Where the mind is without fear
And the head is held high'
Looking up in the azure sky.

In this world I guess
The only consolation
That perhaps eases
Is that we all are guests.

I also have this voice
In me which says,
'O boy, chin up, head high
You've made a choice
Make it right without guilt or shame
Both the beautiful countries
Are gaining as much as you are
No worries, you've come this far.
Don't cloud your head with insipid stories
Accept the game
Do not sulk, do not blame
Anyone, neither the petrichor, nor the graceful rains
You've come here for your growth
Your places of work and birth belong to you
You also belong to both.
Red leaves and catkin flowers
Too fall and bloom as guests
We're all visitors here
Love it all just as they are
And keep on doing your best.

Durga puja* - A Bengali festival that takes place in every autumn.

The deadliest terror

Thousands of books
Written on
Growth and development,
Despite Nobel Laureates
Renowned economists
Scratching dead, re-read heads,
Millions of seminars
Conferences arranged
Good and kind words exchanged
Year after year
Rich are becoming rich
Poor poorer.

The deadliest terror
The world has ever known
Is disparity amongst
The rich and the poor.

The rich cannot survive
Without the poor
By design poverty is alive
So rich can gain more and more.

It's a global shame it's a pity
Since time the endemic terror
So openly dirty and vulgar
Is spread as a red carpet so dear
So characteristically pithy.

Standing up

Standing up

My parent, an activist who founded a hospital
In a remote village of Bengal,
Stopped having milk
And dairy products
To stand for the
Mal-nutritioned children.

A worthy child,
I actively
And furiously refuse
To indulge
In any competition,
I believe in playing my part,
Not in being apart
For the sake of perfection.

Trying to be better than others
Phew it's such a vice
Trying to improve self
And fellow brothers and sisters
It's out-of-the-box thinking,
It's pricelessly nice.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

The poet

The poet thought
Were lying like
Eyes, ears, or words
Written, scattered poems
In open time and space.

The child

Leaning against a huge wall
A child was playing with sand,
Built a castle
But was constantly
Building and breaking
The borders that surrounded it.
The child then looked at the wall,
Gave it a punch,
Ouch! It hurt.

Meanwhile the waves came,
Took the castle away;
The child didn't cry
Waited for the sands to dry,
The hands did pain
But the child started
The work again
With the thought,
Maybe true or false
There must be a palace
A golden garden
Beyond those weirdest walls.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Once upon a time

An extraordinary peace
No bonds, no treaty signed
No one blamed, none fined.
In absolute silence
Without bombastic words
Weapons of the world
Getting their place
In museums of all charming countries.
A do-not-touch tag attached
to those instruments
of wars and worries
For posterity to watch
How insane we were
killing ourselves mindlessly
In land, water and air.

Let today's world see
Yesterday's deadly destiny
In those grave asylums
We were committed to the crime
Once upon a time.

হৃদয় বিতাড়ক

আমাদের দৈনন্দিন জীবন
থেকে আমরা খুব সহজেই
হারিয়েছি, আমাদের স্পন্দন
সবকিছুই কেমন প্রাণহীন
যন্ত্রের মত চলেছে,
সকালবেলা ঘুমভাঙা থেকে
রাত্রে ঘুমোনো পর্যন্ত
সবিই নিয়মের তালে
আমাদের কেমন বেসুরো
বেতালা করে রেখেছে।

অন্যের দুঃখে আমাদের সুখ
ওপরের হারে
আমাদের জিত
অন্যেরা গরীব হলে
আমরা বড়লোক...
এই রঙ্গমঞ্চে চলেছে এক অসাড়
পাহাড় প্রমাণ যন্ত্রনাদায়ক সার্কাস,
সাফল্যের মধ্যে থাকলে
এ বোঝার ভার বোঝা অসম্ভব,
কাজে, কর্মে, প্রেমে, সম্পর্কে
ব্যর্থ হলেই বোধহয় এই অর্থহীন
চলার শব্দ এসে বাজে কানে
কবির কলম বেয়ে বেরিয়ে এসে
পাতায় বসে
নানান ছন্দে, সুরে, গানে।

আর সেই সুরের রেশ
যখন আমাদের হৃদয়ে প্রবেশ
করে, তখন ভিতরটা হাহাকার
করে ওঠে, আমরা চিৎকার
করে উঠি, কি যেন হারিয়েছি
বুঝতে পারি, বা না পারি,
তবে সেই সযত্নে লেখা লাইনগুলি
বারবার পড়ি, কিম্বা গেয়ে ফেলি,
ক্ষণিকের জন্যে হলেও বুঝি
সে আছে, ভিতরে আছেই আছে
দুপদুপ, দপ দপ করে নাচছে
কি যেন একটা বিদছে...
বলছে, ওরে চেয়ে দ্যাখ
আমি যে তোর আয়না
একবার, বারবার, শতসহস্রবার
আমি আছি, তোরই কাছাকাছি,
আমাকে তাড়ানো যায়না।

আমার ভিতরে

আমার ভিতরে
আমারই অগোচরে
সহসা জন্মালো
একি অপরূপ আলো
এ এক সাহসী জমকালো
দীপশিখা নাচে নিঃশব্দে
আমার মধ্যে আনন্দে
সহিষ্ণু, নির্ভীক, চিরসত্য
স্নিগ্ধ, সুন্দর, চিরশান্ত
অফুরন্ত, অনন্ত
এ কি আলো, এ কি আলো!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Back on track

I was walking
on the busy road
with others
picking stones and feathers
that weren't my own;
I started running
wanting to collect
more of those
faster, alone;
when I was supposed
to be much ahead,
I took a recess
from the race.


Being away
from the tricky track
I found myself back.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Fallacy fantasy

The silver moon
was dancing on a river
when the wolf
was looking for a swan.

The night was howling,
it sounded as if
a nocturnal nightingale
was singing for the dawn.

An ignorant flower
was storing dewdrops
to extinguish
the afternoon sun.

The painter

In a village,
a painter at night,
the only street lamp post
crowded with flies,
was painting a beehive.

Bengali translation by the author
রাত্রে, এক গ্রামে
ঘুরঘুর করা
শ্যামা পোকায় ঘেরা
ল্যাম্প পোস্টের আলোয়,
নীচে বসে এক চিত্রশিল্পী
মৌমাছির ঝাঁক।
Greek translation by Nic
Σ’ ένα χωριό
ένας ζωγράφος μες τη νύχτα,
κάτω απο το μοναδικο φανοστάτη
γεμάτο από μύγες,
ζωγράφιζε μία κυψέλη.
French translation by the author
Le peintre
La nuit
dans un village,
un peintre,
sous le seul
lampadaire urbain
encombré de mouches,
peignait une ruche.
Translation in Swedish by Gothicman
I en by,
en konstnär, på natten,
under gatans enda lyktstolpe
surrande med flugor,
målade en bikupe.
Translation in German by Alfie Shoyger
Der Maler
In einem Dorf,
in der Nacht,
unter der einzigen
von Fliegen umgebenen Straßenlaterne,
malte ein Maler
einen Bienenstock.


When the shooting star
was trying
to pause between
life and death
it was calling for help;
the sky was silently

When the severed leaf
was trying to rest
between breaths
it was screeching for help;
the tree, a witness
became its shelter,
but it was too light,
way too detached
to stay put.

A somnambulist writer
was watching the sky
underneath the tree.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

অদ্ভুত / Strange

আমি আমার প্রতিবেশী
ছাড়া সবাইকে ভালোবাসি
আমার পরিবার ছাড়া শুধু
সবাই আমার পরম বন্ধু!

I love everyone other
than my neighbor.
Other than the members
of my family
everyone's dear to me!