Sunday, August 10, 2014

In the interest of everything

In the interest of everything

If as a child, I could see me now,
I’d eat properly,
Study what’d please me dear,
Play to keep fit, not fight.
If as a teenager, I could see me now,
I’d not backchat with my parents,
My teachers, my elders, my neighbors,
If as a youth I could see me now,
I’d focus more on my work.
If now I could catch the time of my death
I’d do more of service,
On love, on a lot of things,
Instead of fighting with words, for words
With my unconscious breaths,
I’d also choose the place of my birth,
If I could do that with any of my worth!

Hey Science!
There’s a lot of work to do,
Instead of inventing arms of weapons
With pounds of dollars,
Conquer, connive, concoct and con.

If I could invent a machine for good,
That’d make people laugh,
Create oxygen in the thick air that pollutes and pains,
Track people who are starving for food,
I’d there with the machine create a rain of drinking water and grain,
Connect with children deprived, women violated,
Provide what’s needed instead of a technological bluff,
That which is in the interest of everything without a price inflated.

Hey Science!
There’s a lot of work to do,
Instead of inventing arms of weapons
With pounds of dollars,
Conquer, connive, concoct and con.

Think Science think!
On something that’s worth the link!
I know you know the poem of art!
Your smart brain’s not without a heart!

10 August 2014

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