Tuesday, December 12, 2023

I believe I can live

As long as I can breathe
I’d want to live

I believe I can live
A thought that gives
me reprieve

Doing the chores 
Studying more as I mature 
Painting life under a tree
Writing a requiem, a poem 
Amid camaraderie
Or in the middle of animosity

I’d perform live wherever life is,
Maybe at ease or with unease

This body with its weight
It may not be worth the wait
The organs may hum a tired song
Attuned, I’d still move along

Choosing to stay, not go
Away, trying to dance anon
Fall on the ground
The steps could falter
The rest of the way
Yet I’d laud myself
That withal I’m around

Before the moment arrives
When belatedly I have to leave
I’d rejoice in that I’m alive
And fulfilled my dream
That I chose to live.