Monday, June 8, 2020


Crow is a beautiful bird
Most unnoticed, most unsung
A silent worker, it cleans 
The environment in the best 
Possible way, I wish I could 
Make the selfless scavenger
The supreme symbol of
World environment day. 

It also tells me how loving
Parents need to be, 
Genuinely caring and true;
For all humans, it's a lesson, 
It nurtures its own children
It fosters, adopts a cuckoo too. 

If the world would allow me
To chirp in my way,
I would make the crow
A befitting symbol of parent's day. 

The crow is a blackbird, 
Unsung, ignored, unheard.
We never look at it as a healer, 
Seldom as a parent figure, 
Partly because of its work,
Partly because of its color.

My people of the world, 
Black is the color of honesty,
A supreme color of authority, 
It's powerful, it's pure as the dew, 
Black's inclusive, cause it accepts,
And absorbs all other hues, 
It's a color of truth and clarity, 
It's a symbol of human dignity. 


  1. This is so beautiful: such a poignant message delivered with discreet dignity!

    1. Thank you. Glad you like it. Means a lot to me really.

  2. They are doing noble service, but i would say they are the most hated ones. Black is not valued, everywhere.

    1. Yes, they're not valued. It's rather sad. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. I miss seeing Crows and sparrows near my house...only pigeons

  4. A very beautiful tribute to an unsung and unpopular bird .

    1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a very positive note. 🙏

  5. I have always found the crow to be very intelligent and love to watch them. They do teach us a lot.
