Thursday, October 16, 2014


State of work

Everyone is working, laughing, playing
Boss, not proud, but worried about the job


Whenever the energy bundle’s voice rings
It sounds like a child, always, why

Yes, you are right

God is angry, revengeful; up in his arms to see you unsuccessful
Oh! Let me drink my coffee! Please?


We are successful. Wars belong to the museums now.
Borders are protected from by the neighbours.


I kiss my lady. Onlookers pelt stones.
I burn her to death. Onlookers smell a personal choice.

Doha [normally in Hindi and Urdu], is a couplet with 24 instants (Matras) [13+11]. The rules for distinguishing light and heavy syllables are different in Sanskrit; In the Doha [English] I am trying to write, more than the rules, the message is important; couplet form is the only rule followed here. This is because, I am not a man of strict rules, I like rules when they function as banks of a river to mobilise its flow, nothing more and nothing less. Anybody can come and join in the river of Doha!

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