Tuesday, June 15, 2021

being in silence

if words hadn't

taught me reticence,

I'd die in the books

looking for love

in the insipid pages

if education didn't

preach me wisdom,

I'd bring to book

the innocent world, 

in chains, no freedom

if abundance didn't

guide me to kindness

I'd cook the books with

poverty, scarcity, 

a sordid space

if I hadn't learned the 

feeling behind the words, 

I'd break the globe into

pieces, lost worlds, 

worrying wars, weapons

if I hadn't developed

the appetite for silence, 

words would starve 

in the tonsured world

with cruelty, without love


  1. Beautiful combination of words and thoughts. Silence gives value to speech. Without the silence of space, even words would not be formed.

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. Yes, indeed.
