Tuesday, October 27, 2020

It's time to unlearn and retrain

The tongue, the eyes, the ears,
all trained to war with the
outside, ignorantly, for years.

With misguided warriors
such as these, how can we
end warfare? How can we
reinstate peace!

But the organs that are inside,
the livers, the lungs, the kidneys;
these are soldiers fighting it out
with their rhythmic art,
keeping their only world intact,
moving, up and about
with a winsome, healing heart.

It is either the soldiers or the
civilians who are the guineapigs,
the scapegoats of wrath,
greed, and power. How long
will this continue? Peoples
of the countries need to do
some real out-of-the-box thinking
to make the leaders understand
the futility of wars of all kinds
and the utility of peace, by all means.
We need to fight from within,
like the organs inside, so our nest
is pretty strong and safe to win.

It is time we unlearn to war
with our own reflections, the world
is like one human being, whose organs
like countries, continents, oceans,
seas, deserts, forests, mountains
rivers and tributaries are but our flesh,
bones, muscles, veins, and arteries;
we kill them each night and day
to weaken ourselves for petty selfish,
self-defeating, incompetent reasons
with processes, guns, and weapons;

It's time we retrain our disobedient
minds so we can strengthen, reconstruct
and rebuild our only living cottage; we
could help leaders unite to found a new
guild, to restore the dilapidated stage.