Monday, June 1, 2015


I’d make boats of paper
and sail them on the waterlogged streets
in it I’d write a message of peace
for the minds to be free of power and greed
I’d write so the plague would forever end
those people unaware, unarmed, killed by siblings and friends
like rats they'd die and continue to die
the flattened boats under the butchered sky.

You taught me mom
to think of souls who lost in the game
in their names they’d float without guilt or shame,
now I am old and you a star
in the sky like another scar,
you are watching my child make those barren boats
in the middle of hatred that choke our throats,
the couplet in Hindi you’d sing and write
'come I will take you under such a sky
where there's no grief, no tears,
but happiness endless is on the high!'

Tell me mom, when will this stop
that sky for our mother will it ever pop
can't even count I'm tired to see,
let boats of hope drown the angry sea

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