Monday, August 1, 2022

The global migraine

the nation's strength

is not in its arms, 

it's in the way it grows

crops in the farms;

it's the food the matters, 

not the food-snatching wars;

throughout the world, 

albeit technologies tried

the farmers commit

suicide, one wonders why

the tv channels across

europe, the americas,

australia allure the

unwilling ladies to

espouse the farmers;

in the punjab of india, 

where wheat is in 

abundance, over 9000 

farmers in 18 years

abandoned their lives; 

one ponders

if the money is 

in safe hands, or if it's

going for a toss;

consumers though 

are willing to pay more

in France's 'Who's the Boss'. 

Note: 'Who's the Boss' is a name of a milk product in France where consumers were asked to pay more so the proceeds reach the farmers. More than 13 million consumers supported the movement. 

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