Sunday, July 26, 2015

Written world

Image credit: Google images

When the popper sings and begs
When the monger calls and sells
When the bombs blast to kill
When the flowers bloom to heal
When with differences countries fight
On horizon-stages that unite
In the presence or absence
Of the sun and the moon
As a curse or as a boon
With my folly and my sense
In dullness or delight
I write.

In everything I feel, see or hear
I find my poems hidden or clear
My words beyond successes failures
They come from the mind gushing through the nerves
Seldom would they be in the wrong or in the right
They’d just write.

I have volumes of leaves
In those branches of trees
They don’t have names are hanging to fall
Come back they’d again and rise without a call
Observant with acceptance, always feather light
They’d simply write.

Yet there’s one hope in the words!
That drizzles on the page!
That peace rains in my world!
Released, from the cloudy cage

Sometimes words rhyme, sometimes they don’t
At times they’re read at times left alone
Like the flower in a corner noticed or unheard
I rewrite like I breathe in my wonderful world.

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