Monday, May 12, 2014

Power of thoughts through words and music

Power of thoughts through words and music

Dr. Masaru Emoto, after years of experimenting with water, has shown how the crystal formation of water differs with varying words of vibration. The video is worth watching to understand the role of music, viz. Beethoven, Bach, Chopin in changing the molecular structure of water. He had tried with words like ‘thank you’, ‘I love you’ as opposed to ‘you make me sick’, ‘I kill you’ showing the immediate effect on water. What is amazing is that he has been able to change the crystal formation of polluted water with Budhha’s prayers.
Of course he has been criticized by the intelligent people for not providing enough physical evidence; however, those of you who believe we can be a little foolish to connect with the infinite intelligence, can watch the video and understand the implication of words on the inner and outer worlds. Not only words we speak or write, but also the ones we think of; not to forget that the world is covered with water, that the major part of our body is made up of water, that every food, fruits, vegetables, meat we take are made up of water.
I know of a tribe which would start abusing trees every time they would need fuel. The trees would invariably drop dead.
The experiment, in my opinion, is hopeful and optimistic. However, it does make us responsible in the way we speak, write, and even think of words!

The link is as follows:

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