Saturday, August 27, 2016

Passing by

It was not so cold,
The sun spread through the sky
Highlighting the soft cotton clouds;
They were enjoying their sojourn, I thought
A whiff in the air and they will be gone.
I was walking in the garden
An indolent vacation walk
Oftentimes I come to places
Yet to figure in websites
And this, where I am walking now
Is certainly not the one that’d attract tourists.
Albeit it has all the beauty, with this pristine brook
Passing by.

I saw a dancing line, from far, coming closer
I hid myself behind a huge tree
Whose barks and branches would defeat history
What could it be!
Slowly, after about a quarter of an hour
The line appeared as ladies carrying earthen pots
I have seen this many times on the screen
There were times when someone hid like me
Never so thrilled to plant, I saw them comfortable
Talking to themselves, bathing,
The pots as onlookers, waiting to be filled in a while
They placed those earthen things in a line

I heard them blabber, I heard them snicker
I watched their demeanor in absolute awe
For once I forgot to point out a flaw.
And soon it was time for them to leave
Like those transient clouds hanging in disbelief,
I looked at the sunny smiling sky
I thanked my stars to witness this humor
For bringing me to this graceful nowhere.

I was stationed there to watch the sight
The tender line danced, in rhythm disappeared
In love with the moment my heart wandered
The sky was smiling, shining bright.

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